Apollo Crews continues to climb the wrestling ladder

Courtesy of WWE
Courtesy of WWE

The NXT organization rolled through Chicago a few weeks ago and FanSided.com was given unprecedented access to the roster. In the gallows of the historic Portage Theater the WWE crew worked tirelessly to get the two shows off the ground. While the production staff was finishing up their final checks, NXT superstar Apollo Crews had some time to talk the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, his time in the Indies and what NXT means to him.

Outside of the wrestling ring you have many hobbies that include watching old school cartoons and the Power Rangers. What other activities do you take part in to keep your mind on other things besides wrestling?

Well like you said I loved the Power Rangers. I was a huge fan of Tommy who turned into the Green Ranger and then into the White Ranger. Beetle Boys was another thing I used to watch when I was in California. But the original Turtles cartoon was the best and I bought two of the cartoon shirts. I’m like hey I need two just so I don’t have to do wait for the laundry to finish.

Athletic was a big part of your life when you were kid. Did that help your transition into the wrestling ring a little easier with having a lot muscle memory than others?

I think so. I played soccer, track and wrestled in my younger days. I won the State Championship in wrestling my senior year. I didn’t get any scholarships to anywhere for college so I got myself a job to pay for wrestling school. I knew that’s what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be and the rest fell into place perfectly. So yes being an athlete helped me develop those wrestling skills and having those quick movements helped me inside the ring.

Chicago has been a big part of your NXT career and really helped you hone your craft before you came to NXT. Is Chicago one of your favorites places to come back to knowing you have a lot history with the city?

I always have had great times in Chicago. I got to wrestle in AAW and I got to do that one more time before I came here. Somebody mentioned that they were at the last match I was in before I came to NXT.

But NXT is making history to each town and or city we go to. Growing up in the Attitude ERA that’s history to me and others on this roster. But in reality we are doing the same with NXT. We are making history every single night there is a show and showing people that we are amazing athletes and performers. I get to tell my kids and grandkids this stuff in the future. It’s something pretty cool to be a part of.

Many fans question the transition from the independent wrestling shows to the WWE. With you being on the road 4 years before the WWE signed you, was the transformation seamless?

It’s a lot different but it’s a good change. Change is always good. I’m excited about the future and this is where I want to be. Obviously those shows got me to this place and this is the ultimate goal. If I didn’t do that and work hard for those years I wouldn’t be here, plain and simple. Don’t get me wrong it was a rough transition but a good one. It really made me develop skills I didn’t have and we are moving in the right direction.

With NXT hitting the road the eyes on the product continue to increase. How has it been for you from being in one central location for an extended period of time, to going city to city like the main roster does every week?

I think it has been amazing because a lot of the guys don’t get to experience this live. Coming out to different cities the atmosphere is different. Obviously Full Sail gets to see us weekly but when we come out of that area and into others the crowd reactions are amazing. They show their appreciation to us and I can’t help but giving it my all when it’s my turn to go through that curtain.

It’s cool to see the other people on the roster on how they react to the crowds on the road. Obviously, I’ve done some traveling in the past but for the guys and girls coming out of Florida for the first time, it’s a different environment and it’s great to see how they adjust so quickly.

NXT is growing rapidly and the sky is the limit for this group of people.

NXT was once considered the minor leagues, but it’s developed its own identity that doesn’t showcase itself as a “minor league” level. What does that mean to you when fans and management see NXT has its “league” and not the lower level to the WWE main roster?

I would never walk around Florida and expected to be recognized. But I was in a Vitamin Shop the other day and a guy walks over and goes “Hey Apollo Crews”. I was shocked and surprised at the same time. But it was also cool and amazing to me because people are watching NXT and taking an interest in not only the show itself but the characters we play. We are own brand and we have unlimited talent. If something happens I feel like it’s the greatest thing ever, but when something else big happens, I’m like oh man nothing will beat that. Each and every night keeps topping the previous one. It’s amazing to be a part of and I’m taking everything in.

All of us are climbing that wrestling ladder and taking our time to look around at what NXT is and what it continues to become.