How long is the Super Bowl 50 halftime?


The Super Bowl halftime will last 30 minutes, which is longer than the usual 12-minute NFL halftime.

From the commercials to the action on the field, there is much to watch during the Super Bowl. The big event’s halftime is longer than normal NFL games and is action packed from start to finish that will have viewers reacting to almost everything on social media.

According to International Business Times, this year’s Super Bowl halftime show will last 30 minutes. This is more than 50% longer than the 12-minute halftime break that players and coaches are accustomed to during the regular season and postseason games.

The 30-minutes halftime show for the Super Bowl allows for their two be more entertainment in between the second and third quarters. Also, television companies can sell more commercials for the extended commercial breaks as well.

This year’s Super Bowl halftime show is destined to have viewers on the edge of their seats. In the past there’s been people wondering what color the dress was, laughing at the left and right sharks, and wondering why a certain band was playing poorly at the half.

Overall, the Super Bowl is one of the biggest days on the calendar. In addition to being a sporting event, the Super Bowl is glorified entertainment from the commercials, pre-game show, halftime, and even for the shows on right after the Super Bowl.

An extended halftime will provide the players and extra break to catch their breath and work effectively on their second-half game plan. The 30-minute halftime show will be not worth missing, so make sure to schedule breaks away from the television accordingly.