NFL runs a commercial about boning after the Super Bowl

The NFL’s Super Bowl children commercial was … interesting.

There’s an old adage that if you’re not boning after the Super Bowl, not just not banging the right way. At least, that’s what I’ve gathered from the NFL’s awkward commercial about kids born nine months after Super Bowls.

In case you missed the spot, it featured Seal’s song “Kiss From a Rose” by a bunch of individuals – old and young – whose parents went at it right after the Super Bowl ended. The singers all wore garments for their teams, so we know just who their parents were rooting for when they got into the mood.

Here’s the Super Bowl babies commercial.

And since the Twitterverse has been commenting on anything and everything during Super Bowl 50, there was no shortage of opinions floating around. Let’s take a gander and see how Roger Goodell’s sexpot commercial sat with his peeps – some are NSFW.

Thanks for the nightmares, NFL. See ya next season.