Peyton Manning interception by Kony Ealy gets Duck Hunt treatment (Video)

Credit: @StoolMilmore (Vine)
Credit: @StoolMilmore (Vine) /

Kony Ealy’s interception of Peyton Manning was edited with Duck Hunt footage

Near the end of the first half of Super Bowl 50, the Denver Broncos were trying to drive down the field and push farther ahead of the Carolina Panthers. However, Peyton Manning’s lack of arm strength made a resounding cameo as he threw and absolute duck to the left hash-mark that was picked off by Panthers lineman Kony Ealy.

Because of the terminology of calling a bad throw a “duck,” some genius on the Internet decided to have a little bit of fun at the expense of the turnover. The result just happened to be editing footage from the classic Duck Hunt video game into the clip of the Manning interception, complete with Ealy holding up his kill:

This is absolutely what the Internet was invented for. Forget how important the play was in keeping the Panthers in the game against Denver and forget how bad the throw itself it was. All that matters is that some person used their saintly gifts to make the play into a clip from Duck Hunt and the result is the greatest thing ever.

Editing sports plays are nothing new, particularly when you think about all of the moments that have received the Jim Ross treatment. However, I’m all aboard the bad throws getting made into Duck Hunt clips trend if that’s getting rolling.