With speculation running rampant in regards to CM Punk lately, his profile has showed back up on the WWE website.
Back in January of 2014, CM Punk and WWE had one of the more famous falling outs in recent memory. The night after the Royal Rumble of that year Punk walked out of the company, and as we all know, a lot has happened since, most notably his signing with the UFC.
However, the whole UFC thing has not really gone as everyone had planned, as not only has Punk not even fought yet, but he recently had to undergo back surgery, further delaying him stepping into the octagon. Now with this being the case, many have speculated that he may actually be mulling a return to the professional wrestling world, something that a lot of us thought was just going to happen eventually anyway.
In the last few days, though, the chatter has grown even more. Just recently, John Cena posted a picture to his Instagram account that led many to believe that Punk could be on his way back sooner rather than later. And on Sunday, the day that WWE Fastlane will be taking place before we get set for WrestleMania, WWE.com sort of added to that chatter.
As you can see in
, Punk’s profile has magically resurfaced on the WWE.com page. Since the two had the falling out, Punk was basically blackballed from the company, which makes this quite the interesting move. In the last few days we get Cena referencing his old nemesis and now WWE.com all of a sudden wants people to know about Punk again?
With anything in pro wrestling, you take this with a grain of salt, but it’s worth keeping an eye on, that’s for sure.