Results and full highlights from Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar vs Dean Ambrose at WWE Fastlane 2016
After Triple H won the 2016 Royal Rumble to become WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the question was who he would be facing for the title in the main event of WrestleMania 32. That question would be answered at WWE Fastlane 2016 when Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, and Dean Ambrose faced off in a triple threat match as part of a feud with numerous layers in the main event.
Unsurprisingly, Brock was the aggressor out of the gate as he took Ambrose out of the ring first and then took down Reigns with his first suplex of the night:
THAT DIDN'T TAKE LONG! @WWERomanReigns makes a visit to #SuplexCity first! #WWEFastlane #TripleThreat @BrockLesnar
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) February 22, 2016
And then, after withstanding punches from Ambrose and dispatching him from the ring again, hitting Roman with another:
Suplex city! #WWEFastlane
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
Brock took out Ambrose with a belly-to-belly suplex and then continued dismantling Roman on the outside. Dean then tried to dive at Lesnar, but the Beast caught him and mid-air and sent him to the floor:
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
The suplexes then came down hard upon Reigns:
Another one #WWEFastlane
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
This, of course, was before Brock unleashed the fury of the F-5 on Reigns, but Ambrose dove in to break up the pin:
F5! #WWEFastlane
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
Because he’s a lunatic (and don’t forget it), Ambrose slapped Lesnar in the face when he set his sights on him. That understandably angered Brock, who hit Dean with several suplexes, which Ambrose smiled through the lot of. When Lesnar got Ambrose up for an F-5, though, Roman came charging back in and hit him with a huge Spear:
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
That then allowed Reigns to hit the Superman Punch that sent Brock to the outside, but that’s what Lesnar wanted as he caught Roman and put him up for another F-5. But that’s when the lunatic Dean came up from behind to his Brock with a low blow. After that, the brothers from The Shield got together for a throwback as they put Lesnar through the announce table with a massive powerbomb:
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
The two brothers then started finally going after it with Ambrose getting control early. However, that quickly devolved into two beaten men going back-and-forth:
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
As the two former members of The Shield seemed set on destroying one another, though, Brock began to stir. So Dean and Roman joined forces again on the outside, throwing Lesnar into the barricade and then putting the Beast Incarnate through the Spanish announce table with another powerbomb:
Another one. #WWEFastlane
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
With two tables out, Reigns and Ambrose then took all the remnants of the tables and buried Lesnar underneath the rubble. That’s when Roman struck, though, and gained the upper hand on Dean. Back in the ring, Ambrose began fighting back, but only to get caught off the top rope by a Superman Punch:
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
When it looked like Roman might hit a Spear to get the win, though, Ambrose ducked out of the way, missed a roll-up, and hit Dirty Deeds. Unfortunately, it only warranted a two-count.
When Reigns looked to counter another Dirty Deeds attempt into a Samoan Drop, Lesnar appeared out of nowhere to slam both his opponents to the ground with a huge German suplex:
JESUS!!! #WWEFastlane
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
Reigns saved the day from Lesnar, though, hitting a huge Spear, but Brock caught Reigns as he went for the pin in the Kimura Lock. Reigns powered out, though, as Ambrose attacked everyone in the ring with a chair. In doing so, though, he took out Lesnar and gave Roman the chance to hit a spear:
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
That was enough for the pin, meaning that Roman Reigns is the winner at WWE Fastlane 2016 and will go on to WrestleMania 32 to face Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the main event:
— Jocay🇪🇨 (@Jocay19) February 22, 2016
Which would be why Triple H came out after Reigns’ victory. The show went off the air with the two men staring one another down, Hunter holding the belt in Reigns’ face.