If the Tennessee Volunteers fire head coach Butch Jones, they should take a look at these five options for head coach.
There have been some damning reports coming out of the University of Tennessee on Wednesday, that paint a truly disgusting scene around head coach Butch Jones. In a sexual assault lawsuit against Tennessee by six women, a new filing alleges that head coach Butch Jones called out sophomore Drae Bowles for helping a woman that was being assaulted.
While the case is still being investigated, many are already calling for Jones to be fired. If the allegations about him are true, then he should be let go by the program immediately.
This is a very serious case and the violent nature of these alleged crimes can’t be tolerated. Bowles was doing the right thing and if Jones indeed said what he did, then it’s a truly negligent and insensitive behavior from the coach.
If this gets even worse, that means that Tennessee will have to go in another direction with their football program, which might not be a bad thing. While Jones was certainly building something with the program, there are names available that might make it even better.
If the do make the call to fire Jones, these are the five replacement options they should examine.
Next: 5. Steve Spurrier