Patrick Beverley trolls Gordon Hayward at free throw line (Video)


Houston Rockets point guard Patrick Beverley decided to troll Utah Jazz forward Gordon Hayward at the free throw line.

Houston Rockets point guard Patrick Beverley is a pest defensively and he’s also a massive troll on the free throw line. It is common for players to try and get in their opponent’s head while they’re at the charity stripe, but Beverley took it to a whole new level on Tuesday night.

While Gordon Hayward was preparing for a free throw, Beverley went right up to him and began talking into Hayward’s ear as Hayward was working on his shooting form. As Beverley walked away, he pulled Hayward’s arm right down for the ultimate trolling.

Some players might have lost their cool at Beverley trolling like that, but Hayward kept it cool and went right back to getting ready for his free throw. Free throw shenanigans are nothing new and Beverley certainly isn’t the first guy to mess with someone preparing for their shot.

The good news is that he didn’t waste time untying someone’s shoe or cause a delay in the game. Still his troll levels were at an all-time high. Beverley does whatever it takes to win, even if it means interrupting a guy at the free throw line.

In the end it wouldn’t matter, as the Jazz won in overtime.