Nick’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to meet 80s counterparts

Nickelodeon’s CG-animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will feature a crossover special where the Turtles meet their counterparts from the original 1980s TV series.

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This news is sure to make every 80s and 90s child happy. The turtles from the original, 1980s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV series, along with their voice actors (Cam Clarke, Rob Paulsen, Barry Gordon, and Townsend Coleman), are making their return to TV on an upcoming episode of the show’s current iteration on Nickelodeon. Titled “Trans-Dimensional Turtles,” the crossover episode involves a story where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of today travel back in time to meet their 1980s counterparts.

“Trans-Dimensional Turtles” continues this season of the show’s trajectory of traveling through space and time under the guidance of the cyborg Fugitoid, appropriately voiced by David Tennant. In the episode, all eight Turtles must work together to eliminate the deadly alliance between the 80s Krang (voiced by original actor Pat Fraley) and the modern-day Kraang Sub-Prime. After the new Turtles meet the old Turtles in their 2D universe, all of them then travel back to a CG-animated dimension, giving a hefty dose of 3D animation to the Turtles we know and love from our childhood.

Completing the Turtles’ journey back to their origins, the crossover will also feature the Turtles traversing through a comic book world. This dimension will be very reminiscent of Kevin Eastman’s original comic book series featuring the Ninja Turtles from Mirage Studios. Including recognition of the comic books that started it all only makes this totally rad news even better.

The Trans-Dimensional Turtles episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will premiere on Sunday, March 27, at 11AM (ET) on Nickelodeon.