Hillary Clinton has been desperately trying to appeal to Bernie Sanders voters, and SNL blasts her for it
Donald Trump isn’t the only candidate for President getting roasted on Saturday Night Live. With the Presidential race just as heated in the Democratic primaries with a close battle between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont senator Bernie Sanders, our nation’s first potential female President is struggling to keep her delegate lead.
She’s since been leaning farther to the left while focusing her efforts on younger voters, seemingly pandering to them at every opportunity.
SNL has taken notice of Clinton’s bid to appeal more to Sanders supporters, and they’ve hysterically satirized it on last night’s new episode. In the sketch, Kate McKinnon (of the upcoming Ghostbusters film) nails her usual spot-on impression of Mrs. Clinton in a parody campaign ad. Over the course of the ad, Hillary slowly becomes Bernie Sanders, starting with letting her voice slip into his distinct Brooklyn accent and evolving to the point where she’s literally balding with white hair, wearing eyeglasses and a suit.
The long-running sketch comedy show has proven once again that nobody can as hilariously tackle politics the way SNL can. Check out the video below and see for yourself.
There’s no doubt that Hillary Clinton is sweating, given how her rival for the Democratic nomination has surpassed all expectations and is on the fast track to beat her at the voting booth. This sketch was certainly a perfect representation of that.
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