Meltdown Tuesday: Raymond Moore, golf crowds and more


We are back for another edition of Meltdown Tuesday, which always gives us some good times.

This week, we can’t help but start with Raymond Moore, the now-former CEO of Indian Wells. Moore made some absurd comments about women tennis players needing to get ontheir knees in thanks of the men’s game. Of course, Moore is a crazy old guy and now, he is no longer involved with the tournament. Good, he’s a lunatic.

In other news, the Masters is coming up. We all know what that means, golf crowds. is there anything worse than having to watch a player back off the tee box because some fan stepped on a crunchy leaf? It’s pathetic. The fans should be able to scream and yell as much as they want. Let’s make golf more interesting and actually, you know, watchable.

Finally, we get to Houston Rockets center Dwight Howard. Howard has been playing with stickum, something that the NBA has stated is illegal. Howard can’t control the basketball without stickum? The dude has hands the size of Texas. It’s a joke and just one more punchline that can be lobbed at Howard, who will likely retire with a ton of untapped potential and as many championship rings as you and I have.