Josh Norman, Odell Beckham Jr. feud still going strong on Twitter


The feud between Josh Norman and Odell Beckham Jr. will never die and is now on the mean streets of Twitter

Carolina Panthers star cornerback Josh Norman and New York Giants stud wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. first started going at one another physically when the two teams faced off on Dec. 20. Beckham took a dirty shot at Norman’s head on a play that stirred up a ton of uproar while there were accusations that Norman had used gay slurs when talking trash to OBJ. Since then, it’s been the feud that has never died.

Most recently, Norman referred to Beckham as being “okay” when asked about the prolific young receiver in a pair of interviews on ESPN and Fox Sports. That prompted OBJ to respond with a subtweet that pretty cleary was in reference to Norman and said that the Panthers corner should be thanking him for all he’s done:

Less than an hour later, though, Norman went right past the subtweet stage and @’d Beckham in a highly confrontational tweet basically asking what his problem was and calling out the Giants wide receiver:

Though we don’t want to see anymore dirty plays on the field, feuds like this between two of the best at their respective positions is absolutely fantastic for the NFL. These are two strong personalities with performance to back it up seemingly going head-to-head in one way or another on any given week. May this feud last forever and entertain us all every step of the way.

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