The WWE oversold standing room to WWE WrestleMania 32 and people can’t get to their seats.
Like Shawn Michaels facing Hulk Hogan at SummerSlam 2005, the WWE has oversold WWE WrestleMania 32. With the event taking place at AT&T Stadium in Dallas, Texas, the WWE wanted to pack as many people as possible into the stadium so that they could break attendance records and create the biggest event of all time.
Well, just like Super Bowl XLV, AT&T Stadium is having some major seating issues and it looks like it’s because the WWE oversold standing room only seats. According to Darren Rovell, people that paid for seats can’t get to them because of the overselling of standing room tickets.
Just like the Super Bowl in Dallas, bet WWE gives back some $. Sold too many standing room, people who paid for seats can't get to them.
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) April 4, 2016
It makes sense that the Super Bowl and WrestleMania want to pack AT&T Stadium because of it’s seating capacity and it’s no surprise that once again, it has become a major issue in regards to seating issues. Before the event began, people were not even let into their seats and were out in the concourses screaming “Let us in!”
Rovell speculates that the WWE will probably refund money to those that weren’t able to get to their seats and that is the likely scenario here. It’s a shame that many who paid hard earned wages couldn’t get what they’re promised but at an event of this magnitude, it was almost expected.
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