Bret Hart puts Ric Flair in Sharpshooter at WWE Payback (Video)


After Natalya got screwed by the ref vs. Charlotte, Bret Hart put Ric Flair in the Sharpshooter 

It was a Women’s Championship with huge implications in regards to lineage within pro wrestling at WWE Payback. The champ in Charlotte put her title on the line against Natalya while Charlotte had her father, Ric Flair, out to the ring with her and Natty had her uncle, Bret Hart out in the ring with her. What played out in their match, though, was something all too familiar to the Hart family.

After a long hard-fought match between the two women, Charlotte caught Natalya and added insult to injury by locking in Natty’s own submission in the Sharpshooter on her. With shades of the Montreal Screwjob in the air, the referee Charles Robinson called for the bell without Natty having ever tapped out to give Charlotte the victory:

Obviously this didn’t sit well with Bret Hart or Natalya given their history with getting the short end of the stick in these situations. That’s when Bret slid into the ring to confront Ric Flair and then clocked The Nature Boy right in the head:

With Flair down and after Natty knocked down Charlotte, Bret Hart and Natalya got in-sync and both locked in Sharpshooters on the Flair family to really send a message in a really cool moment:

Especially considering Bret Hart’s recent bout with prostate cancer, this was really an incredible moment at WWE Payback and one that longtime wrestling fans won’t soon forget.

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