WWE Payback 2016: Best and worst
Worst: Well wishes, Enzo
Man, this was rough to watch. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady have been flying high in a big way since their debut on the main roster coming up from NXT. Enzo’s promo ability has already been proven to be top-tier and among the best in the entire company. Given that and their position to open the main card of WWE Payback in a match to determine the No. 1 Contenders for the Tag Team Championships.
So to see Enzo take such scary bump trying to slide out of the ring and seemingly go unconscious as he went down on the floor was terrifying. Kudos to the referee for recognizing the situation quickly, getting Simon Gotch out of the way, and essentially having no problem calling the match off so that he could get Enzo medical assistance. However, that doesn’t make the moment any less scary and/or sad to see a guy finally getting his shot go out with such a bad injury.
The good news is that WWE announced later in the show that Enzo suffered a concussion but that all other tests came back negative. While that’s a good thing, it still is a bit unfortunate to see Enzo have to get hurt and have his first match cut short due to injury. If there is one positive from this match, though, the trip to the hospital did lead to this picture:
There’s a silver lining even in one of the worst and scariest moments of the night.
Next: Zayn vs Owens