James Harden’s beard is a candy now (Photo)


James Harden’s beard has become so famous now that it’s been made into candy

We live in a world these days where basically you can market anything you want, and that even includes facial hair. You know, like that glorious beard that Houston Rockets guard James Harden possesses on his face.

And boy, is he ever marketing the hell out of that thing, right to the point where you can now eat it.

Yes, Harden has partnered with candy maker Trolli to create a new delicious treat that is entirely centered around that massive beard that sits on his mug.

So yeah, if you’ve ever wondered what it’d be like to eat James Harden’s beard, you can do just that now! Okay, that came out wrong — but it’s really the truth when you think about it.

This man might not be the best defensive player in the history of basketball by any means, but you can’t knock the marketing skills that he has. He grew that amazing beard and he’s been cashing in on it ever since it really became a topic of discussion among the general public.

Respect here, Mr. Harden. If I could grow a beard like that, I’d want it made into a candy too.

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