“Superstar” Billy Graham Explains How Professional Wrestling Gave Him Hepatitis C (and No It’s Not A Cool Hooker Story)
By Fansided
WWE Legend “Superstar” Billy Graham is just as loud as his old ring attire. The 72-year-old former WWWF Champion and Hall of Famer speaks his mind when it comes to the current product — whether it’s calling Shane McMahon a fool or flat-out admitting to steroid use in his prime. Unlike in the ring, Graham doesn’t pull any punches and will always speak his mind.
In this lost footage from the independent film Card Subject To Change, Graham discusses way the business of professional wrestling attracts so many shady characters.
“Professional wrestling was conceived,” Graham explains, “and continues to exist on deception. It has never been real. It will never be real. So therefore, when you’re involved in a deception, a lie, that opens the door to every evil thing that could enter your business. Because you’re deceiving people. You’re not hurting each other. You’re making it appear that you’re hurting each other…”
“This opens the door to every vice and illegal activity and complete non-trust of the people involved…If you’re a deceiver, you’re a liar. You’re lying to people.”
Graham goes on to discuss bleeding and blading in professional wrestling and how the disgusting people in the business gave him hepatitis C. Graham was diagnosed with the disease prior to his hip operation back in the 1980s.
For more with Graham, check out the film’s official website.