WWE Extreme Rules 2016 results: Kalisto vs Rusev full video highlights


A look at what happened during the WWE Extreme Rules PPV match of Kalisto vs. Rusev.

One of the top title matches that was seen at WWE Extreme Rules was Kalisto defending the United States Championship against Rusev. The Bulgarian Brute became the No. 1 Contender after winning a battle royal earlier in May.

Rusev last held the U.S. title at WrestleMania 31, where he lost the belt to John Cena. So can he regain this title to get back some momentum?

Here’s a look at what happened in this Extreme Rules match.

Lana entered the arena to introduce Rusev.

Kalisto didn’t look hurt at all despite missing SmackDown. He hit a corkscrew off the ropes to begin the match.

Rusev then took over for a brief time on the smaller Kalisto, dragging him around.

Rusev continued the control by holding down Kalisto with a bear hug.

Kalisto would begin to work back with a corkscrew off the ropes and a hurricanrana for a near-fall.

Kalisto attempted a Salida Del Sol but Rusev backed out of the ring. Kalisto then jumped onto the top rope and hit a moonsault to take out Rusev at ringside.

A look at a chunk of the action from this Extreme Rules match can be seen below.

Rusev would then put on The Accolade on an injured Kalisto and won the U.S. title.

Rusev is the new U.S. champion coming out of Extreme Rules. His second reign now begins!

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