WWE RAW results, June 13, 2016: Live tracker

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Live tracker for the WWE RAW results on the June 13, 2016 episode, the go-home show for WWE Money In The Bank

There’s just one episode of WWE RAW remaining until one of the biggest pay-per-views of the year, WWE Money In The Bank. With some of the titanic matches that are being set up and with all of the things that could happen prior to such an unpredictable show, the WWE RAW results on June 13, 2016 from the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans, LA could be huge in regards to helping set the stage for the PPV.

Obviously the storyline that has everyone buzzing is the impending match between AJ Styles and John Cena. Not only is the a dream match by the estimation of many people, but you’re also looking at a feud that’s been built quite well. Whether you like the idea of him turning heel or not, the heel turn for Styles was done perfectly and the way that things have gone since then have helped to build the feud.

Seth Rollins is also still coming after Roman Reigns and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in a story that’s been gaining a bit of steam. It’ll gain even more on WWE RAW, though, as The Shield is set to “reunite” on the Ambrose Asylum for a segment.

Dean Ambrose will also be a guy to keep an eye on as he’s one of the announced participants in the Money In The Bank ladder match. What will come of him, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Chris Jericho, Cesaro, and Alberto Del Rio on the go-home episode of WWE RAW leading up to such a pivotal match?

You can keep up with the live WWE RAW results and all of the major happenings right here once the show starts at 8 p.m. ET. Be sure to participate in the discussion in the comments below as well.

Tag Teams Galore

Ahead of WWE Money In The Bank where there will be a Fatal 4-Way for the tag titles, New Day opened the show, followed soon by Enzo and Big Cass as the two engaged in a wonderful promo battle.

After that, The Vaudevillains and then The Club came out and the promos continued until Enzo, Big Cass, and New Day called the heels SAWFT before their 8-man tag match began:

The match that they had was quality, but obviously protecting most everyone for Sunday’s PPV:

In the end, the heels got the upper hand thanks to the size of Luke Gallows and The Club and The Vaudevillains got the win.

Winners: The Club and The Vaudevillains

There was another “Make Darren Young Great Again” vignette. These need to stop.


Stephanie and Shane McMahon were back stage arguing about who will control RAW and who will control Smackdown, but then Kane returned to throw his hat into the ring.

After that, Sheamus and Zack Ryder were backstage talking about their upcoming match for the night. However, Ryder took this opportunity to troll Sheamus regarding Apollo Crews:

Matchka Titus, Matchka

Titus O’Neil was supposed to have a match, but his opponent at MITB in United State champ Rusev attacked him from behind on the ramp and proceeded to beat him down and leave him for dead.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta Reunion

This segment was great as Dean Ambrose started off things lightly by getting everyone to reminisce. That definitely got the fans involved, but also made it all the more impactful as things turned tense. They then all three had a staredown regarding the title.

However, Seth Rollins looked to leave, but then attacked Ambrose into Reigns before all hell broke loose in the ring. Ambrose was left standing tall after hitting Dirty Deeds.

Charlotte vs. Paige

With Natalya and Becky Lynch on commentary and Dana Brooke ringside, these two had a quick match. Dana tried to get involved to help Charlotte, but ended up setting her up for the Rampaige that allowed Paige to pick up the non-title win.

Winner: Paige

There was a great preview promo between Cesaro and Sami Zayn regarding who’s better.

After the break, Charlotte laid into Dana Brooke about costing her the match against Paige.

Sheamus vs. Zack Ryder

Ryder may have tried to put up a fight, but the brutal attack from Sheamus during and after the match brought out Apollo Crews. Crews got some licks in on the Irishman and sent him running.

Winner: Sheamus

There was a backstage segment with Alberto Del Rio and Kevin Owens arguing in front of Kane and Shane O Mac. Kane then made a tag match with ADR and KO vs the Lucha Dragons with the stipulation that the former duo would lose their Money In The Bank spots if they lost.

Sami Zayn vs. Cesaro

Everyone hold onto their seats with this shocker, but this match was awesome and got everyone even more hyped for Money In The Bank as these two are magic in the ring.

The match ended when Zayn countered a powerbomb into one of his own on a beautiful move for the win:

Winner: Sami Zayn

A Contract Signing That Wasn’t Awful

John Cena was out to the ring first for his contract signing with AJ Styles. He started off with his typical promo to set up Styles coming out.

AJ then came out and Cena presented him with two contracts and a challenge. One contract was for Cena vs. Styles and the other was Cena vs. The Club. John then challenged AJ’s manhood to take the first one and the newcomer ultimately obliged.

Kevin Owens and Alberto Del Rio vs. The Lucha Dragons

This match wasn’t too active between the two teams, but more of Owens and Del Rio bickering and getting physical. It was ultimately Owens that got the team the win.

After the match, though, Del Rio delivered a big Superkick to send a message.

Winners: Kevin Owens and Alberto Del Rio

Backstage, the bickering continued over guest commentators for the main event.

Dean Ambrose vs. Chris Jericho

This match was chaotic with four men at ringside in different roles, but Dean Ambrose was able to get the win. When all hell broke loose though, it was Jericho atop the ladder holding the briefcase to end the show.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

That’s the show for WWE RAW. Are you more ready or excited for Money In the Bank?

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