
LeBron James keeps trolling the Golden State Warriors

Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports
Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports

LeBron James officially staked his claim to Michael Jordan’s GOAT crown by leading his Cleveland Cavaliers to an improbable NBA championship Sunday night, ending a 52-year pro sports championship drought for northern Ohio. The King and the rest of the Cavs landed back in Cleveland Monday afternoon after taking Game 7 in Oakland to a sea of triumphant supporters (that may or may not have burned his jersey once upon a time).

Instead of wearing your standard championship T-shirt or maybe one of those nifty hats, LeBron wanted to have a little fun at the expense of his recently-vanquished opponents (via @JordanHeckFF):

Yep, LeBron rocked an Ultimate Warrior shirt and the same Kermit sipping tea hat he wore after the game last night. And who can blame him? When you beat the Warriors that makes you the Ultimate Warrior, does it not?

There’s an argument to be made that between the talk of hurt feelings, crotch shots, tweets of baby bottle emojis and bogus/predictable claims of rigging, this was the pettiest NBA Finals of all-time. And this puts it over-the-top.

Long live the King.