The ‘Andrew Luck as a Civil War General’ meme resurfaceds after QB signed his contract
By Hunter Cooke
Possibly the funniest sports meme on the internet, “Civil War Andrew Luck” made a comeback after the Colts’ gunslinger signed the biggest NFL contract in history.
The intersection of sports and the internet has always made for quality comedy. Whether it’s Crying Jordaning everything in sight or this tweet about Stephen A Smith in a PF Chang’s, sports fans have laughed at everything conceivable.
Andrew Luck’s contract with the Colts has brought back an old classic, the “Civil War Andrew Luck” meme. It’s a pretty simple joke: when Andrew Luck gets sweaty, he looks like he should be leading columns of men armed with muskets, not football players. ‘
The format of the joke is simple too. Just post a picture of Andrew Luck’s face photoshopped onto Ambrose Burnside or William Sherman’s body, add a fake letter to a fake lover (named Abigail or Annabelle), and you’re golden.
Here are some of the best ones that came after Andrew Luck signed his groundbreaking contract with the Colts.
This is a beautiful thought that I truly hope happened.
It’s all about the money, General Luck.
So do I, Jack. Andrew has been away at war for so long. It might be time he returned presently.
Straight to the point. I like it.
I honestly wonder if he does know about this meme, or if he thinks it’s funny. I imagine Andrew Luck as having a good sense of humor, so I think he does.
Only five more years until dearest Abigail and Andrew are reunited.
Get the $$$.
It’s probably happened already.
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