Where to catch legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Pokemon Go logo. Photo: Nintendo/Niantic
Pokemon Go logo. Photo: Nintendo/Niantic

I’ll catch every single Rattata on the planet if it’ll raise my chances of catching a Mewtwo.

If you’ve been playing Pokemon GO religiously every day, then you’ve probably already gotten to Level 5 and you’ve probably already joined a team. You have the option of choosing between Team Mystic, Instinct or Valor. Each one corresponds to a color and emblem. As you might have noticed, the emblems resemble the legendary trio as seen in Pokemon Red and Blue and Yellow (and Green).

So in the world of Pokemon GO, Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres have to exist somewhere, and if they exist, then you’re probably wondering how to catch legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

And not just the legendary birds, but also mythicals, like the ultra-cranky Mewtwo and super-cute Mew.

Well, like I said before, they do exist somewhere, but no one has spotted them quite yet. Their game data is in the files and they have spots on the Pokedex register. And since Mewtwo was used in an early advertisement, the developers probably plan on unleashing him at some point.

Though there are also videos and screenshots floating around of legendary sightings, those are fake, and it doesn’t take a Pokemon League Champion to figure that out.

You have to remember that Pokemon GO isn’t available everywhere yet, so Articuno could literally be hiding in the Arctic. Mewtwo could be chilling in a lab somewhere in Canada (or the UK) for all we know.

Or Nintendo could be waiting to roll out their legendaries as part as a special event. We are celebrating the 20th Anniversary after all, so maybe Nintendo has something more special up its sleeve.

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