
How to request new Gyms and PokeStops in Pokemon GO

Pokemon Go logo. Photo: Nintendo/Niantic
Pokemon Go logo. Photo: Nintendo/Niantic

Know of a perfect location to stop and grab some free Poke Balls or battle against other Pokemon? Well, you can now request gyms and PokeStops to be placed in that location if they aren’t there already.

Pokemon GO released last week, and players all over the world are having a blast trying to catch every Pokemon available. Arguably the most popular activity in the world right now, it seems like everyone is playing Pokemon GO.

Two of the main features of Pokemon GO, other than catching Pokemon, are the PokeStops and the the gyms. Both PokeStops and gyms are located in different landmarks spread across the world, but there are some locations that would seem ideal to have either one that just don’t have them. Now, players can make this a reality.

If you visit the Pokemon GO website and navigate to the support page, you can submit a request for an area that you would like to have a PokeStop or a gym. Click here if you’re interested in submitting a form. You can also report PokeStops or Gyms that may be in dangerous locations so that they may be removed.

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Locating PokeStops and Gyms are pretty simple. You’ll be able to see them on your map as blue icons for PokeStops, or even bigger icons for gyms. When you pass by PokeStops, you’ll get to spin a circle on your screen and receive free items, such as Poke Balls and revives. You can also set up Lure Modules, which attract Pokemon to your location, and if you’re with a group of other players, they benefit from the Lure Module as well. With Gyms, when you get in range of the gym, you’ll be able to battle other players’ Pokemon and if you beat them, you’ll take over as the new Gym leader.

These two features are some of the best things about the game, and if more of them can be added to different areas across the map, it would be ideal for many players, enhacing the already fun experience.

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