For all the dedicated Pokemon GO players out there, we’ve found some tools you can use to take your training to the next level.
Do you struggle to decide whether to power up your Pokemon first before evolving them or do the opposite? Are you trying to figure out if it’s worth spending candies on evolving a Ponyta when you just caught a slightly more powerful Rapidash? Do you wish you knew just how powerful your Eevee could become?
You are about to get some answers. Introducing the Pokemon GO evolution calculator, where you can plug in an evolvable Pokemon, type in that Pokemon’s CP (Combat Power), and it will calculate the value that Pokemon’s CP will increase to after evolving.
For example, I’m currently trying to figure out if I should use my Staryu candies to power up a 400 CP Starmie I caught in the wild or to evolve a 337 CP Staryu. My gut is telling me to risk the candies and evolve the Staryu, because it has the potential to be much more powerful than the Starmie. For reassurance, I plugged the Staryu and its CP into the evolution calculator. The calculator then told me that my 337 CP Staryu will evolve into a Starmie with a CP between 802-812. That is definitely some good information to have.
It is unknown who made the evolution calculator, but how it works seems straightforward enough. The calculator automatically multiplies the CP you input by a preset multiplier that changes based on the Pokemon.
While it’s not clear how the calculator knows each Pokemon’s evolution multiplier, Pokemon GO players have been trying to figure it out since shortly after the game’s release. Players within the Reddit community have been compiling data on how much CP a Pokemon gains when it evolves, and general trends have emerged.
It could be possible that the evolution calculator is drawing data from sources like Reddit community. The calculator also does account for the Pokemon who apparently don’t have one solid evolution multiplier quite yet. For my Staryu, for example, the calculator gave me a multiplier range of 2.38-2.41.
As for the big question of whether or not the evolution calculator is accurate, that has still yet to be determined.