New Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon details

In a new video released on Monday, new details were revealed about the upcoming entries in the Pokemon video game series, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon are looking extremely promising, and as we get closer to their release date, more and more details about the game are being revealed. In the brand new gameplay video, we see new details about the Alola region and the different types of Pokemon in that land.

There are plenty of new Pokemon in the Alola region that have adapted to the region and have taken entirely new forms.

Alolan Exeggutor
First of all, let’s talk about the Alolan Exeggutor. Being a grass and dragon type, the Exeggutor is much taller and has a fourth head on its tail. The fourth head controls the tail independently, and because of this, it has more variety when it comes to attacks.

Secondly, the Alolan Vulpix, which also evolves into Ninetails. The Alolan Vuplix is an ice type and came to this region with humans, but eventually moved to the snowy mountains to avoid other Pokemon and their normal habits. Being an ice and fairy type, the Alolan Ninetails is able to produce ice crystals from the fur that covers its body. It uses these ice crystals to block attacks or form balls of ice and use them as bullets to attack enemies.

Alolan Vulpix
Alolan Vulpix
Alolan Ninetales
Alolan Ninetales

Lastly, the Alolan Sandshrew. Sandshrew is an ice and steel type who originally lived in desert areas. But the frequent environmental changes because of the volcanic eruptions have forced them to relocate to the snowy mountains. The Alolan evolution of Sandshrew, Sandslash, has a spiny back made of ice, and it’s definitely a great defensive tactic for them to hide from their enemies.

Alolan Sandshrew
Alolan Sandshrew
Alolan Sandslash
Alolan Sandslash

Other than the new Alolan versions of Pokemon, there are also new Pokemon that were revealed. For example, there’s Minior, a rock and flying type formed in the stratosphere. When they’ve consumed a huge quantity of particles, their bodies become heavy, so they crash down to the surface. Minior has a hard and heavy shell that can be used for defensive purposes.


There’s also Lurantis, a grass type that lures in other Pokemon with its flower-like appearance and aroma before taking them down.


Finally, there’s a new aspect to the game known as Z-Moves. A new element to the game, Z-Moves are used during Pokemon battles. They’re very powerful moves and can only be used once per battle. The Z-Move is a result of both the Pokemon and the trainer releasing their full power together.

To use this move, you need two items: a Z-Ring and a Z-Crystal. The Z-Ring is for the trainer and the Z-Crystal comes along with it. If a Pokemon has the same amount and variety of Z-Crystal as its Trainer, then the two resonate with each other and can activate Z-Moves.

Expect some more information about Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon as we get closer and closer to its release date on November 18, 2016, exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS.

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