WWE RAW results, August 1, 2016: Live tracker

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Live tracker for the WWE RAW results on the August 1, 2016 episode from Atlanta, GA

WWE RAW had their first episode of the brand split last week and no one knew if anything other than the roster size was going to actually change. However, the company proved that they may indeed be in the mood for actual change as they delivered one of the best shows in long, long time. Now they’re tasked with following that up on the August 1 episode of WWE RAW from Philips Arena in Atlanta, GA.

Next: 30 Best Tag Teams in Wrestling History

There is certainly an ace in the hole that WWE can play on Monday night in Atlanta as WWE RAW will feature the return of Brock Lesnar. Brock is a draw no matter what, but more people than usual could tune in to see what happens with Lesnar as it’ll be his first appearance on WWE television since his failed doping tests for UFC 200.

Outside of Lesnar’s return, fans will also be treated to the next step in the feud between Seth Rollins and Finn Balor as they will square off at SummerSlam for the newly announced WWE Universal Championship. Speaking of, you have to wonder if we’ll get any more information about the new belt—perhaps a glimpse of what it’ll look like.

As if that weren’t enough, there are plenty of other things to look forward to at WWE RAW, such as the continuing feud between new Women’s Champion Sasha Banks and the former champ in Charlotte. Moreover, The Club and New Day have a bit of bad blood brewing and fans are wondering what’s next for guys like Roman Reigns, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn.

With WWE SummerSlam now being just three weeks away, missing any episode of WWE RAW right now would be criminal—but especially criminal when Brock Lesnar is coming back to the show.

The good news is that you don’t have to miss out on anything that happens on the August 1 episode of WWE RAW as we’ll be live tracking the results below once the show begins at 8 p.m. ET. Also be sure to take part in the discussion in the comments below.

Bosses, Former Champions, Members of Fozzy, and Certified Gs

Sasha Banks opened up WWE RAW to talk about winning the title last week. However, she was almost immediately interrupted by the woman she beat for the belt, Charlotte.

After Sasha tore down Charlotte, though, Chris Jericho came out to defend her—which only brought out Enzo Amore to defend Banks. Sasha and Enzo flirted, things got heated between everyone in the ring, then came out Mick Foley to make a mixed tag match up next.

Enzo Amore and Sasha Banks vs Chris Jericho and Charlotte

This looked like Enzo and Sasha’s match to lose early on, but things changed dramatically after Dana Brooke came down to the ring and got involved. That caused things to break down and left Y2J and Charlotte with enough room to scramble to find some life. They did just that as the former Women’s champ then hit Natural Selection on Sasha to get the win.

Winners: Chris Jericho and Charlotte

Your Weekly Braun Strowman Squash Match

Braun Strowman annihilated another jobber. The end.

Winner: Braun Strowman

Return of the Hall of Pain?

Mark Henry interrupted a conversation between Foley and Stephanie McMahon, saying he had one more run left. He finally convinced Mick enough for the WWE RAW GM to give him a United States Championship match against Rusev on Monday night.

The Golden Truth vs The Shining Stars

This match was relatively quick and wholly silly as The Golden Truth essentially lost when R-Truth couldn’t stop playing Pokemon Go.

Winners: The Shining Stars

When Balor Met Rollins

These two men that will meet for the WWE Universal Championship at SummerSlam absolutely tore it up on Monday night on the microphone, ending with a nice look for Balor in getting a leg up.

US Championship Match: Rusev vs Mark Henry

This match was a tightly contested one where both guys looked good. However, it came to an end when the World’s Strongest Man ate a superkick and then got tapped out in The Accolade.

Winner: Rusev

While Rusev was gloating, though, he was finally interrupted by Roman Reigns (sporting an abomination of a new vest). The two had an intense stare down before things got physical and Reigns was left standing tall.

Titus O’Neil vs Darren Young

Titus made fun of his former tag partner and proceeded to dominate him for most of the match. When Young started fighting back, though, Titus fought back by grabbing a handful of tights on a roll-up to get the win.

Winner: Titus O’Neil

After the match, though, Titus began talking down to Bob Backlund and Darren Young once again snapped and had to be separated from the situation.

Nia Jax = Female Braun Strowman

Nia Jax was fed another jobber just like Braun was and she absolutely destroyed a poor girl.

Winner: Nia Jax

New Day vs The Club (Xavier Woods Banned From Ringside)

The Club really dominated things with the stipulation in their favor, but it was Big E who snuck up behind Karl Anderson and rolled him up for the win. Things got much worse after the match, though, as The Club unleashed a no-rules beatdown.

Winners: New Day

Cesaro vs Sheamus

After meeting up and getting a little heated backstage, these two monsters went toe-to-toe in a hard-hitting affair. However, it was the strength of the Swiss Superman to get Sheamus up in the Neutralizer that ultimately made the difference.

Winner: Cesaro

2MB Forms, Breaks Up Instantly

Heath Slater was out to the ring with a returning Jinder Mahal to talk about being a free agent. However, when Mick Foley came out and said the members of the just-formed 2MB would have a match for one contract, Jinder turned quicker than a tire on a highway and kicked Slater’s head off for the win and to earn a contract with WWE RAW.

Winner and Newest RAW Superstar: Jinder Mahal

Backstage after that match, Chris Jericho said he wasn’t worried about Enzo and Cass because someone had his back. Though he was initially bluffing, Kevin Owens came out and said he had Y2J’s back.

Sami Zayn vs Seth Rollins

This may floor you, but Sami Zayn and Seth Rollins—two of the best all-around wrestlers in WWE—had a fantastic match together. However, the match ended when Sami missed the Helluva Kick for the second time and fell into position for the Pedigree.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Suplex City Closed, Detour Through Viperville

Paul Heyman was out to talk about Brock Lesnar and the havoc he’s going to wreak on Randy Orton at SummerSlam. It was a great bit of mic-work, as you’d expect.

However, it was near the end of the promo when Heyman essentially began taunting Orton as he said he’d take a beating and then that Randy couldn’t catch Lesnar for an RKO. Right on cue, Orton appeared from behind Brock to hit his finisher and then flee from security into the crowd.

That’s how the show went off the air, with Orton standing in the crowd triumphant for the night.

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