Watch Finn Balor’s demon entrance at WWE SummerSlam 2016 (Video)

Credit: WWE Network
Credit: WWE Network

Take a look at the Demon entrance of Finn Balor at WWE SummerSlam 2016 before his match against Seth Rollins

Despite the fact that Finn Balor and WWE didn’t wait until WWE SummerSlam 2016 to show his vaunted Demon entrance—they did it on the go-home RAW—there was still a palpable level of excitement about the moment in Brooklyn. After all, we’re talking about a much bigger stage, much bigger moment, and much bigger everything at SummerSlam.

As it turns out, fans were right to be excited about what the Finn Balor entrance would look like at WWE SummerSlam 2016.

With the new stage setup for SummerSlam, the Demon entrance looked amazing from the very start. The red pulsing lights were wonderfully placed for the entrance. More than that, the buzz in the crowd helped it feel like we were witnessing a special moment. Then Finn Balor appeared with a ripped coat and all of the usual paint, bells, and whistles that we’ve grown accustomed to and looked fantastic as well. In fact, he even added a bit of green in his paint scheme.

Even if you’ve seen the Finn Balor Demon entrance a thousand times before, you’ve never seen it like this one at WWE SummerSlam 2016:

If nothing else, you can’t deny that this entrance from Finn Balor automatically gives off the big-match feeling. However, it truly all depends on how they book him as the Demon as to how effective it is as a gimmick on the main roster.

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While it may look incredible and get fans going, it’s going to lose its luster if two things happen. First, WWE can’t overuse it and run it into the ground—something they have a track record of doing with cool things in the past. Moreover, though, they have to differentiate both the character and wrestler, which is on Finn Balor. The Demon has to be something different, something more.

The jury’s still out as to if those things will happen. However, this entrance was sill incredible.