WWE RAW results, August 22, 2016: Live tracker

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Live tracker for the WWE RAW results for the August 22 episode of the show from Brooklyn, NY the night after SummerSlam 2016

The last image we have of anything WWE related happened at SummerSlam with Randy Orton laying in a pool of his blood. Subsequently, fans are rightfully excited about the August 22 episode of WWE RAW. With Brock Lesnar, Finn Balor, and everything else, this is going to be a can’t-miss show from Brooklyn, NY.

Brock Lesnar obviously wrecked most of WWE in the main event of SummerSlam. He busted open Orton in a bad way and then hit Shane McMahon with an F-5. Subsequently, some sort of repercussions are headed his way. We’ll certainly find that out sooner rather than later on WWE RAW.

Finn Balor also had a big night at SummerSlam, becoming the first-ever Universal Champion. After defeating Seth Rollins, the question is what’s next for both the new champ and “The Man.” Moreover, there’s a question about what’s next for Charlotte. She defeated Sasha Banks at SummerSlam to reclaim the Women’s title, so now we’ll find out who the next challenger is.

With WWE RAW the night after SummerSlam being a big deal, there’s even more to watch for. It’s looking like Samoa Joe and Bayley will debut sooner rather than later. Could WWE RAW in Brooklyn be the night for that to happen? There are spots that they would be able to seamlessly fill, so it’d make sense in that regard.

Given all of this and more, the episode of WWE RAW on August 22 is must-see TV. It’s one of the biggest shows of the year and missing anything would be criminal. Luckily, we’ve got you covered there. We’ll be live tracking the results below once it begins at 8 p.m. ET.

Finn Balor Relinquishes WWE Universal Title


After a pretty sad scene that saw Balor relinquish the belt to open RAW, Seth Rollins came out before Finn was even gone. Expectedly, he tried to make his claim for the Universal title. However, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, Enzo, Big Cass, and Roman Reigns all came out to make their case as well.

In the end, Mick Foley had the solution by saying that they were going to hold a series of matches. That series will culminate next week with the new champ being crowned. Said series began next with Seth Rollins vs Sami Zayn.

Seth Rollins vs Sami Zayn

Early in the match, Zayn tried to springboard leapfrog Rollins. However, he came down awkwardly and “injured.”

Zayn still put up a fight, though. That wasn’t enough in the end. Rollins was able to overcome the injured Sami, hit the Pedigree, and score the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Kevin Owens vs Neville

Despite the massive size difference, this was a fun match. It looked like Neville might actually pick up the win for a bit. However, Chris Jericho at ringside helped give Owens life with a distraction. That ultimately led to KO getting the win.

Winner: Kevin Owens

It was then announced that Owens and Rollins would compete next week on RAW for the title. However, it’d be a Fatal 4-Way against the winners of Big Cass vs Rusev and Roman Reigns vs Jericho.

Big E Back!

New Day came out to celebrate the return of Big E and 100 days as the tag champs. Right on cue, they were interrupted by Gallows and Anderson.

This was all to set up a match between E and Karl Anderson.

Big E vs Karl Anderson

Surprise, surprise, they made Big E look strong in his return match. He made light work of Anderson to pick up the win.

Winner: Big E

Titus Says Things, Crowd Does Not Want to Listen

Titus O’Neil was given a live microphone for some reason and came out to the ring. He addressed Darren Young and then called out his former tag partner. It was Bob Backlund who came out first, though. The Legend took a body slam for his trouble. Young then came out to tend to his coach, but he too went to the ground, eating a Clash of the Titus.

Stephanie McMahon Addresses Brock Lesnar

Finally they mentioned the Brock Lesnar ending to SummerSlam with him leaving Randy Orton in a pool of blood before F-5ing Shane McMahon. Steph promised that there will be consequences.

Rusev vs Big Cass

Rusev was clearly nursing injuries from the night before, which made this a short affair. After a few rough landings, Rusev took off up the ramp to get counted out.

Winner: Big Cass

Charlotte Won, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah—But Bayley’s Here Now

Charlotte came out to gloat about her win and did a damn good job of doing so. While she was leaving, though, Mick Foley’s music hit. He said that she indeed had one new challenger left, the newest addition to the WWE RAW roster, Bayley.

Bayley was obviously giddy to be called up. She thanked Mick and the crowd for everything. Foley then made a match between Bayley and Dana Brooke.

Bayley vs Dana Brooke

Though they tried to make Dana look viable, she was no match for Bayley, who picked up a cruising win.

Winner: Bayley

Braun Strowman Beating a Much Smaller Man, Again

Braun Strowman beat a much smaller man, again.

Winner: Braun Strowman

Dudleys Say Goodbye

The Dudley Boyz came out to deliver a heartfelt goodbye to the Brooklyn crowd. At the end, though, they were interrupted by The Shining Stars. Primo and Epico were trolling, but got a 3-D and the Wassup! for their troubles. Just as they were about to go through a table at the hands of Bubba and D-Von, though, Gallows and Anderson appeared to take out the Dudleys.

Roman Reigns vs Chris Jericho

Reigns and Jericho beat the crap out of one another for a while. It looked like Jericho might have the advantage—especially when Kevin Owens came out. However, Reigns shockingly overcame the odds to pick up the win.

Winner: Roman Reigns

So next week, the Universal title Fatal 4-Way is all set. It’ll be Seth Rollins vs Kevin Owens vs Big Cass vs Roman Reigns to determine the new champion.

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