The 21 most nightmare fueling mascots in college athletics
By Ian Pierno
11. University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Impressive or frightening? Hey Reb has the most distinct mustache in college sports, but that makes him all the more terrifying. His cross-eyed gaze is hidden under the brim of his bucket hat, and it’s really a wonder he can see well enough to hand out two basketballs at once. Is Hey Reb even human?
If you ran into Hey Reb in a dark corridor, the first thing your shoulders would brush against is that gigantic mustache. Just imagine how those rough bristles would feel on your skin.
The shape of his head has no consistency, which further highlights how easily Hey Reb passes the “Would you scream if this face peered through a crack in your bedroom door at night?” test.
Hey Reb does kill the dance in this Flo Rida song, though, so there’s that.
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