33 NFL Players To Help You Survive The Zombie Apocalypse

FOXBORO, MA - AUGUST 11: Rob Gronkowski
FOXBORO, MA - AUGUST 11: Rob Gronkowski /
17 of 33
CHARLOTTE, NC – JANUARY 03: Jameis Winston
CHARLOTTE, NC – JANUARY 03: Jameis Winston /

17. Jameis Winston

When people imagine how they’d fare in a zombie apocalypse, they often make the mistake of imagining the self they know now in that future hell. The truth is once civilization collapses, the us we think we know best no longer exists. That super chill yoga instructor could turn feral in a week if they no longer have access to their medication. That annoyingly friendly extrovert neighbor could slink into a silent depression within hours of the internet disappearing. When you choose your apocalypse allies, you want to wait a little for the dust to settle, to see people’s true selves emerge. If you do, you’ll see Jameis Winston is one of those people who rises to the occasion.

Winston was a celebrated college quarterback at Florida State. Shortly before the draft, a photo went viral in which he looked more like your dad than your favorite team’s QB. Winston was still drafted by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and their faith paid off: he arrived at training camp 20 pounds lighter. When the situation on the ground changed, Winston stepped up his game to match the intensity. People who respond to adversity right away with resilience are the type likely to endure the ever-shifting stresses of a zombie apocalypse. Stick with Jameis Winston if you want to live.

Next: Josh Norman