Charles Barkley visits Craig Sager before latest marrow transplant (photos)

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Despite his own recent surgery, Charles Barkley was there for his TNT partner Craig Sager as he went through a third bone marrow transplant.

By now, the medical issues that veteran TNT NBA sideline reporter Craig Sager have become known to even those who have never seen one of his flashy suits or heard one of his amazing reports of the game he loves.

This week, Sager went through a third bone marrow donation — something considered extremely rare in the medical world — as he tries to beat leukemia once and for all. While waiting for the surgery to be performed in Houston, Sager’s wife came down with a cold and wasn’t able to be with him for the procedure.

That’s where Sager’s co-worker at Turner Sports, basketball hall of fame Charles Barkley, stepped up to the plate to be there for his friend, even after his own medical issues:

"Sir Charles had hip replacement surgery less than a month ago and wasn’t cleared to travel. He said his doctor was livid when he learned Barkley had defied orders and flown halfway across the country. Barkley informed the doctor that it was an emergency.“Craig Sager is one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met,” Barkley said. “We go to see Sager to cheer him up and by the time you leave you’re like, ‘Is anything wrong with him?’ He has the most positive attitude … When you go to try and cheer him up his attitude is so upbeat he cheers you up.”"

The old saying goes that you can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends. In this case, Craig Sager is family to Charles Barkley and the rest of the Turner team, so it’s beyond perfect that Sir Charles was there for his brother.

Related Story: Craig Sager is the ultimate warrior

Sager recently missed covering men’s basketball during the Rio Olympics for NBC due to his recent medical setback. Everyone is wishing him the best and hopes he gets well soon to join Barkley and the rest of the Inside the NBA team this coming season.