9. Texas A & M Chalk Talk
You know your female fan engagement went poorly when it results in the suspension of two coaches. At least, you should know it went poorly. Hopefully, Texas A & M learned their lesson.
In early August, the team hosted a Chalk Talk for Women event which featured information about football, puerile attempts at humor, and sexual innuendo. How offensive was it? Even the men were offended. You know you’ve got a problem when hypersensitive, militant feminists aren’t the only ones complaining. Here is a statement from Texas A & M president Michael K. Young, emphasizing the affront against all humanity, even the male part:
"As you may know, presentations containing insensitive, disrespectful content were given by two coaches at a football “Chalk Talk for Women” event hosted by the Athletic Department. Like many of you who learned of this, I was and remain dismayed, disappointed and angry. This behavior is not who we as Aggies are and is totally unacceptable. To be clear, this is not a females-only concern, but a human one. In fact, the majority of those weighing in with their disdain have been men who are equally as disturbed by the content presented."
Part of the event included a song written just for the female fans. Rhyming “estrogen” with “back again” is particularly clever:
"We are Aggie women We are filled with estrogen Hullabaloo, canek, canek, and back again Maroon & white are the colors we love We are putting down our dish towels And taking off our gloves No more lysol or cascade We want to score Touchdowns And walk in the parade We are Aggie women & this is our song Come on…bring it on…no more thong Hullabaloo..caneck..caneck..and so on"
I received four pics from the Texas A&M Talk Chalk event on Wednesday. Here is Pic #1 pic.twitter.com/kE6nLEgClB
— Anwar Richardson (@AnwarRichardson) July 29, 2016
Some of the sexually suggestive pieces of football advice, which offended both men and women, were: “Don’t let him inside. Keep your hips down. Don’t go down.” Another slide had pass blocking rules: “Spread them again. Get erect. Stay erect. Bang him hard.”
Next: 8. New York Islanders Hockey and Heels