Cam Newton, Exiled Member Of Exotic Barbershop Quartet, Is Expertly Trolling All Of Us



Cam Newton’s fashion statements have reached the point where the franchise QB has finally made a rather triumphant leap from my all-encompassing Monday morning review to quite a special place of his very own.

Sure, Cam’s done plenty of outrageous shit in the past.

For example, fasten road kill to his jeans.


Or wear capris, seemingly in tribute to the O.G. of showing off some leg, Dwyane Wade.

But for the most part, Cam has always been one of the sharpest dressed players in the NFL, and one of the very few ready and able to once and for all toss Tom Brady off the top of the Christmas tree.

That is, of course, until today, where I found myself doing multiple searches to confirm 100% that this was not, in fact, a beautiful piece of photoshop work that quickly gained traction on Twitter.


You know you’re wearing something pretty special when you could also use said accessory as a fancy serving plate to impress even the snootiest of attendees at your next shallow dinner party, as well as to confirm that all hanging photos in your household are perfectly level.


It’s also officially confirmed that Cam Newton is trolling the hell out of all of us.

Often times, that leads to instant inspiration.

It’s working out pretty well so far.

And I wholeheartedly ENCOURAGE the shit out of it.

Because this man deserves to one day host a Nathan’s hot dog eating contest.

Oh yes, this is very much the face of a dude who knows exactly what he’s doing to the internet.


So while Ron Rivera and the rest of the Panthers coaching staff have probably begun prepping for the Vikings, there is little doubt in my mind that a devoted team of ambitious stylists and Cam himself are already working feverishly to figure out how to break Twitter in half next Sunday.

If Cam doesn’t stroll up to the podium wearing The Rock’s signature sunglasses and another fashion-forward hat made entirely of Autobots and Decepticons, it will certainly feel like the plan has tragically fallen off course.


For more sports chatter, sizzling takes, and utter nonsense, follow Tim Ryan on Twitter and Instagram. And for a look at last season’s colorful ride at the podium, each of those installments can be found right here.