Call of Duty Infinite Warfare: 3 ways to improve after beta

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After playing the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta for a few days, here are some things we think will improve the game.

With the multiplayer beta for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare officially over, throughout its duration, we’ve spent quite a few hours playing it. The game has received some negative feedback and we tend to agree with some of those comments. But, we also believe that Infinite Warfare has great potential.

Initially, we had a ton of fun playing the newest entry in the Call of Duty series. The movement system is a lot smoother compared to the other titles, like Advanced Warfare and Black Ops III. But, as we put more and more hours into the game, some gameplay aspects became extremely annoying and tedious. There’s a lot that Infinity Ward can do in order to improve the game.

In the next couple of slides, you’ll see some solutions that we believe will improve the game drastically and will deliver and all-around better experience for the players.

3. Buff the assault rifles

In the multiplayer beta, there was only a handful of maps that you can play. Those maps were Precinct, Frontier, Throwback, and Frost. We also saw the return of Terminal, which was a map in Modern Warfare 2. The maps are either small or medium-sized, so obviously, you’re going to use an SMG (sub-machine gun).

Most of these maps have tight corners, which favors heavily towards SMG players. As we played the beta, we realized that most of the AR’s (assault rifles) weren’t as good as the SMG’s. The movement system benefits SMG players since they can manipulate the movement to get in range with their weapons. As of right now, we’re not sure whether or not this is because of the maps that we were able to play or if the AR’s are significantly weaker than the SMG’s.

In reality, only time will tell since we’ll have to play the full build of Infinite Warfare. But, with our time in the beta, it was evident that the AR’s weren’t on the same level. Most of them were accurate, like most of the AR’s through Call of Duty’s history, but most of them seemed very weak and, as stated before, on these maps, they leave you at a huge disadvantage.

For example, when you think of Black Ops III, the main AR’s were the M8A7, a four-round burst rifle, the Sheiva, a semi-automatic rifle, and the Man-O-War, a full-auto rifle. Although these guns excel from long range, they’re still usable at a short range.

Now, in Infinite Warfare, the only AR that actually stands out above the rest is an SMG. The RPR Evo is actually an SMG which can change into AR depending on your situation. You simply hold a button and bam: an AR. It goes to show you just how much better SMG’s are compared to AR’s.

Maybe Infinite Warfare is doing this on purpose and is forcing players to play smarter if they use AR’s. But, as of right now, the AR’s seem extremely weak and a buff in their damage would be appreciated by most gamers.