Call of Duty Infinite Warfare: 3 ways to improve after beta

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2. Slow down the movement a bit

One of our biggest issues with the beta was the movement system. We did say that it’s much smoother and runs a lot better compared to Black Ops III, but it doesn’t mean that it’s perfect either.

Going into the beta for Infinite Warfare, we expected the movement to be toned down a bit since the Black Ops III movement was very fast paced. At first, we truly thought that they accomplished this since it was so smooth and natural. But, as we put more time into the game, we were most definitely wrong.

The movement is extremely fast paced and makes everything chaotic. Sometimes, it actually benefits you to stay on the ground and aim down your corners before peeking out just so you can get the advantage on the enemy team.

It’s also worth noting that this movement system doesn’t work well with the very small maps. As stated before, it’s extremely chaotic and if they’re going to implement this sort of fast paced movement, the maps need to be much bigger.

Let’s take Frontier for example. Frontier is an extremely small map with tight hallways and corners. It’s hard to gain an advantage on this map because there are people everywhere and with the movement, they go from point A to point B in a flash.

We aren’t saying that the developers should go the Battlefield route and create insanely huge maps, but if this type of movement is a staple to this game, then bigger maps are a necessity.

Since the game is a week away, then it’s probably too late. So, simply slowing down the movement just a bit would balance things out if you consider that most of the maps will probably be small to medium-sized.