After diving into the Eastern Conference over/unders in part one of our Season 3 premiere, we wrap up a mammoth two hour podcast session with part two, the Western Conference.
In part one, we noted that we’ve had remarkable success picking winners when all three of us agree on a team’s future (20 out of 24 correct) over the last two years. But are we now too self-confident based on our past successes? Is being self-aware of our need for unanimity psyching us out in making this year’s picks? Have we gotten into our own heads by being so self-aware? Will pride come before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall?
There’s only one way to find out, and that’s to put our money where our mouth is. So we invite you all to join us in making several modest investments for entertainment purposes only. That way we can sweat out the long season together!
What do we do with the massive win totals predicted for the San Antonio Spurs and the Golden State Warriors? Where do we settle on the wide variance teams like the Houston Rockets and the Memphis Grizzlies? How much are we into the hype around the Minnesota Timberwolves young core? Have we become too enamored with the hipster Denver Nuggets to objectively judge them? Can Dave Joerger organize his stack of centers to hit the Sacramento Kings’ modest total? Is Vegas trying to give us a clue with one suspiciously very low total? Whose preseason performances did we allow to sway us? Which picks are we most confident about? And which ones do we immediately regret?
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