WWE Survivor Series 2016 Review: What we learned, takeaways, future projections

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Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar

What we learned: Did we really have time to learn anything here? I suppose we learned that WWE can still shock us whether we like it or not. I think we also learned that Goldberg still can’t wrestle.

Now, I really didn’t expect much from this match but give me something. Don’t give me a buildup like that and disappoint me like that, but we’ve seen this before and we’ll see it again. Not every match is going to be a winner and while there are some people out there that wanted to see this — I just wasn’t one of them. Maybe there’s a bigger payoff that I’m not seeing but I really don’t understand what happened. They’ve been building Brock Lesnar as this unbeatable force and the guy who took him down was going to get a big rub from it. Owens? Nope. Wyatt? Nope. Goldberg? Yeah, that’ll work.


What’s next: Well, apparently everybody is next. At least that’s what Goldberg told us on Monday night as he announced that he’ll be competing in the Royal Rumble. Oh joy. At least the Rumble is a match where he won’t have to do much except the only things that he actually does well. While it may be interesting to see him in there with some talent he hasn’t faced before, how many times do we have to go through this? Will Lesnar also enter the Rumble to get his revenge? And does that lead to a Lesnar vs Goldberg match at WrestleMania? Because that really worked out so well before. There are rumors swirling that Lesnar saw the dollar signs in a Goldberg program and that one match just wouldn’t cut it. So is this where they’re going?

There’s no way that Goldberg wins the Rumble, right? They saw how well that worked with Batista a few years back, didn’t they? Or do we get that type of situation where Roman Reigns wins the Universal Championship, Goldberg wins the Royal Rumble and those two face off in the main event of WrestleMania? Yeah, the fans wouldn’t hijack that match at all. There are a number of possibilities here and only time will tell what’s next for Goldberg and Lesnar.

Next: 10 best Survivor Series moments of all time

What were some of your thoughts on Survivor Series? What did you like? What didn’t you like? What surprised you? Sound off in the comments section and we’ll see you right back here at FanSided in a couple of weeks for TLC.