The Undertaker, Goldberg, Brock Lesnar end WWE RAW with staredown (Video)

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Goldberg and Brock Lesnar were about to fight at the end of WWE RAW, but then an unexpected visit from The Undertaker stopped them in their tracks

With WWE RAW on Jan. 23 from Cleveland, OH being the go-home show for the 2017 WWE Royal Rumble, everyone expected some sort of showdown. That only seemed more certain with Goldberg scheduled to appear. Then rumors began circulating that Brock Lesnar may also surprise everyone, so then fans knew how the show would be going off the air—that is, they thought they know, if not for another surprise from The Undertaker.

Goldberg came out to the ring first and thanked the fans for his warm welcome back and ran down the Rumble field briefly. That brought out Paul Heyman to retort and then call out his client, Lesnar. Heyman held the Beast Incarnate back briefly, but Goldberg was looking for a brawl and told him to come get some, to paraphrase.

Lesnar wasn’t about to back down and began circling the ring like a predator stalking. He then got in the ring and the two men who faced off at Survivor Series were toe-to-toe. Just as they were about to come to blows, though, the famous gong sounded as the lights went out. When they came back up, there was The Undertaker, staring each legend down:

That’s the way that WWE RAW went off the air and, frankly, I can’t think of a more perfect way to go into the Royal Rumble. These three men can draw on their own, so to sell the show from RAW’s end with that trio in a staredown is money.

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What’s more, an image and scene like this blows the cliched everyone-in-the-locker-room-out brawl that normal precedes the Rumble. As has been the case for most of the buildup for Sunday’s show, things continue to look more and more interesting. No one knows how things are going to go down. Therefore, fans should be in store for a classic.