
Corey Graves takes on NXT Takeover: San Antonio

Courtesy WWE
Courtesy WWE

For WWE color commentator Corey Graves, it was a shock when he had to leave the wrestling ring for a spot behind the announcer’s table. There was a transition period mentally for Graves who only knew one role, which was wrestling. Fast forward to 2017 and Graves is now broadcasting the action not only of WWE RAW but for NXT. It wasn’t an easy path, but he has settled into as one of the best commentators in sports entertainment.

You have been involved with NXT for many years not only as a wrestler but now as a commentator. Being involved with the product for 5 years what has it been like for you going from the FCW into the NXT?

It has been absolutely insane to see. I remember when it was the FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling) and we had one of the greatest talent rosters assembled. We had Dean Ambrose, The Wyatt Family, Cesaro, Seth Rollins and Neville, and we couldn’t sell out a place that held a hundred people. It was like pulling teeth to get people to watch what we did.

For NXT to start growing — slow at first and then it just took off like crazy. Especially in my position I can sit back and watch and appreciate how it’s growing. These events are better than the last. Look at WrestleMania;  everyone has had their fair share of amazing spots better than the previous year. But when it comes to TakeOver we find a way to top the last one and we keep going onward and upward.

It’s exciting to be a part of. Even now there’s a shift where the NXT originals have moved on and there’s a new crop taking over. But within this new crop you can pick and choose and put them on RAW or Smackdown tomorrow and they would be fine.

You mention the sitting back aspect and seeing this evolve from a different aspect. The health issues have put your in-ring career to an end. But how much does that wrestling bug bite you when you are calling these matches?

Honestly, not as bad as it used to. It was a rough transition period where it was really bad in the beginning. I recall NXT: Brooklyn where it was a incredible show but I left feeling empty. But with time and me being so busy I think it’s helped me accept my role and enjoy it. I am having the time of my life.

I’m still disappointed I didn’t get to wrestle [Shinsuke] Nakamura, as he was on my bucket list. The bug doesn’t tug at me as it used to but I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to get back in there every now and then.

Taking on the color commentator role has been something you have eased into pretty nicely after joining RAW and still being apart of NXT. How are you constantly trying to get better as a color commentator?

I never had a full appreciation of what these announcers did when I was in the ring. But now being on this side, I understand what I can add to their match. Some of the guys have talked to me and said can you add this, can you convey this, or this is what I’m looking to do. To be a part of their art form is definitely a honor. Of course I make jokes at times but when it comes down to it I think I help what they do.

NXT: San Antonio is happening tomorrow with a great line up of matches. Personally, what is the one match you are looking forward to that is going to set that bar that you spoke of earlier that makes NXT shows a staple?

Well my personal opinion it has to be Nakamura and Roode. Those are the two legitimate favorites to call whatever they do. I’ve had so much fun since Roode started the Glorious thing and Nakamura has just always been one of my favorites. It’s going to be an interesting thing where I can’t pick a side here. I can’t wait for this match and push full speed ahead.

However, I do think the fight that is going to open up a lot of eyes and minds is Roderick Strong and Andrade Almas. They have the potential to gain more focus on their characters and their skills tomorrow night.

Sunday is the start to the Road To WrestleMania and it begins with the Royal Rumble. If you had to pick the final two in the Rumble who would you take?

Well I have to pick Brock Lesnar because he’s my pick for everything. And I want to say a dark horse –but he’s not really a dark horse– but I would have to take Braun Strowman. I really want to see them throw down.

I know they met briefly last year but I want to see them one-on-one. Braun is one of the strongest, scariest human beings I have ever encountered. The same can be said to Brock so with those two colliding who knows what would happen.

I think seeing those two at the end would be amazing end to the night.