Rejoice! Pokemon Sun and Moon players have finally achieved success on a global mission. This is why third time is always the charm.
With 10 days still left, Pokemon Sun and Moon players have finally done it. They have successfully completed a global mission, and with days to spare.
As a reminder, the first couple global missions were abject failures. The first global mission asked players to catch 100 million Pokemon collectively, but players who participated were unable to reach even a fifth of that number.
Players were closer at completing the second global mission, where they had to use the Island Scan feature in the game to find, catch or defeat a million collective Pokemon. When the mission deadline hit, players had only been able to scan a little over 50 percent of the goal number.
But Sun and Moon players have rallied to nail the third global mission, which asked them to trade a total of one million Pokemon using the Global Trade Station in the game.
According to a tweet by, players have already traded 1,082,871 Pokemon, beating the goal by more than 82,000 Pokemon.
Serebii Note: The Global Mission has succeeded! We now head to the second milestone. Be sure to participate!
— (@SerebiiNet) February 3, 2017
Finally, players who participated will receive the full reward for hitting the global mission, which for this one is 2,000 Festival Coins.
As alluded to in the above tweet, players now have a chance to reach additional milestones before the Feb. 14 deadline for the chance to claim even more rewards. According to Polygon, if players can up the trade amount to two million Pokemon, players will each receive a Friend Ball.
Next: Divide review: strong idea, weak execution
Friend Balls are an item used to catch Pokemon in Sun and Moon. A wild Pokemon caught with a Friend Ball will immediately become more friendly to the trainer. Useful indeed.