Terry Crews really, REALLY wants Doomfist to be a thing.
It’s no secret to the Overwatch community that Terry Crews wants to be an Overwatch character.
The Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor loves Blizzard. He has visited Blizzard HQ. He has written about it on his blog. He has loudly proclaimed that Overwatch is his favorite video game. He has commented about it on Reddit. He has tweeted about it. He even got the Rock to tweet about it.
💯 Co-sign. Known TC for years and this man's voice even has bad assery muscles. 😂💪🏾 Fans would luv it. #Doomfist https://t.co/d2Kni3MJbn
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) January 5, 2017
You got to give it to this guy. He is persistent.
Earlier this week, Terry Crews took his Overwatch campaign to the next level by recording an “audition” for the next Overwatch character, unasked and unneeded. You can watch him read his lines below.
The hero Crews is reading for is Doomfist, a character that first appeared as part of Overwatch‘s backstory.
He was first mentioned in one of the game’s animated shorts, which was released prior to the game. In the short, two kids are in a museum, gazing at a large gauntlet which is on display in a glass case. That gauntlet, as rumor has it, belonged to Doomfist and in the video, a fight promptly breaks out between different Overwatch heroes for possession of the gauntlet.
Doomfist is a character who has gone through many iterations, evidence of which can be seen on banners which hang on one of the game’s maps — Numbani. He is similar to characters like Green Lantern or The Flash; many men have held the title of Doomfist, and each one earned his own reputation. From the banners on Numbani, we know that one was deemed “The Savior,” one was named “The Scourge” and the last was called “The Successor.”
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Only recently have Overwatch developers discussed making Doomfist a playable hero. If he does appear in the game, it is unclear if this Doomfist will be one of the iterations pictured on the banners or if he will be a completely new, fourth Doomfist.
Either way, we know who will be first in line to be the hero’s voice.