As Grey’s Anatomy reaches a turning point in the season and struggles to balance all its doctors, the show goes on a short hiatus.
It’s time to switch things up in ABC’s TGIT line-up. Well, again. During the winter season, the line-up featured Grey’s Anatomy and How to Get Away with Murder, with Notorious in-between. Then, in 2017, Scandal returned to the game. Now, How to Get Away with Murder wrapped its season 3 last week, so it’s time to bring in a new third leg. That’s right — it’s time for The Catch season 2.
But you’ll still have to wait just one more week.
As ABC airs its special, When We Rise, Grey’s Anatomy takes a week off to reconvene. Hopefully.
Unfortunately, the past few episodes have felt pretty imbalanced. We keep bouncing around the Alex storyline, Webber versus Minnick, and any other miscellaneous storylines they deem appropriate each week.
A couple of our wayside storylines include:
- Go back to work, Meredith Grey.
- Meredith Grey, leave Riggs alone.
- Where in the world is Amelia Shepherd?
- And my personal favorite: Let Arizona be in a mature relationship again.
Now, that last one actually enjoyed some development last week. I think it’s legitimately funny that she and Eliza mostly meet in the parking lot, but I’m sure Arizona’s just about done pretending she hates Minnick just so she can appear to be loyal to Richard.
The more this Richard storyline continues, the more I feel he’s being selfish. Perhaps now that he’s seen how it affected Meredith, he can stop playing around. Every time I think he’s going to grow up, he starts an argument with Catherine. Likewise, Jackson’s getting a little bit pettier and pettier with every episode.
Though, Grey’s Anatomy teased us with a Jackson / April centric episode soon.
Related Story: Grey’s Anatomy season 13, episode 14: Back Where You Belong recap
No new episode tonight, but Grey’s Anatomy returns to ABC on March 9 at 8 p.m. ET.