The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild — How to recover Vah Medoh

Image from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, taken via Nintendo Switch screencap function by C. Wassenaar. Image via Nintendo.
Image from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, taken via Nintendo Switch screencap function by C. Wassenaar. Image via Nintendo.

Vah Medoh in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is under the purview of the Rito people. Here’s how to recover this Divine Beast.

Note: You know the drill. Spoilers for the Vah Medoh quest in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild follow.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s Divine Beast representing the element of wind, Vah Medoh, requires you to work with the Rito people. (So yes, Vah Medoh is a reference to Medli.) You’ll find Rito Village in the northwest of Hyrule, visible from the Tabantha Tower. Fly there to start the Divine Beast Vah Medoh quest.

Proving Yourself Worthy

You’ll find the Rito elder, Kaneli, at the top of the village. (On your way up, make sure to stop by the clothing store and purchase at least two of the items for sale there if you have the rupees — they’ll offer cold resistance that you need throughout this quest.) He’ll explain to you that a warrior named Teba has tried and failed to subdue Vah Medoh before, and ask if you’ll speak to him. However, the next waypoint will guide you to Teba’s wife, who’s conveniently lavender to make sure you really notice her. She’ll explain that her husband has gone to the Flight Range at the foot of the Hebra mountain range. You’ll see one of Link’s lost memories as a cutscene.

That done, proceed to the Flight Range as shown on your map. It’s a pretty easy glide, but here’s where the cold resistance comes in. You’ll need at least two levels to survive the mountains. Hit the Sha Warvo Shrine on your way for an easy warp point and proceed to the Flight Range.

There, Teba will challenge you to show your archery skills. Using your Paraglider to ride the currents, you’ll have to shoot five targets in three minutes. It helps here to have a bow that works with distances — he’ll give you a Rito bow to use as well. Since you’ll slow down time when you draw your bow, it’s a pretty easy task.

Subduing Vah Medoh

That done, Teba will agree to work together with you on the whole Vah Medoh problem. When you talk to him, he’ll give you 20 bomb arrows and remind you that it will be cold up in the air. Leave your cold resistance armor on if you have it.

As always, you’ll need to shoot four things. In this case, it’s the four cannons. With bomb arrows equipped, fly around and start shooting. Drop out of your glide to slow down time. You’ll need to get fairly close to make the shots. It took two hits per cannon with the Falcon Bow, so plan accordingly. For the most part, Teba will draw the cannon’s fire away from you, but the cannons can and will shoot at you instead. Drop out of your glide and otherwise keep moving to dodge. After you’ve made all the shots, you’ll drop down into Vah Medoh.

The Left Side of Vah Medoh

Revali will talk to you as you proceed through this Divine Beast. Don’t be surprised if you start calling him names midway through, because his voice actor has just the right level of smugness to his voice. Anyway, before you even walk inside, turn around. Shoot the Calamity Eye you’ll find on the right side to open up a chest.

Now you can proceed into Vah Medoh properly. The guidance terminal you’ll need to hit first is on the far end of this main room. You can use the fan to get some height and glide over to it, getting rid of the Guardian scout first.

After the terminal is activated, head back towards the rear of Vah Medoh, but glide over to your right (i.e., the left if you were facing frontward) to snag a chest. Then, return to the fan and get some additional height. Fly forward and toward the right and slow time by drawing your bow. You’ll see a Calamity Eye on the lowest floor of Vah Medoh. Shoot it to reveal another chest.

Now let’s take out the left side of the Divine Beast, which has three of the five terminals you need. Head back to the fan in the main room. Your target this time is the other chest in this room, the one that has a climbable structure up to it. Fly over there, grab the chest, and then look left to see a Calamity Eye. This will open up the left middle room. Glide in there, and prepare for a two for one special on terminals.

First up, in this room to your left, you’ll see another Calamity Eye. Shoot it, then activate the crystal switch to turn the wind on. Head back up the nearby structure and ride the wind to your first terminal.

Now to finally put those Divine Beast controls to use. Tilt Vah Medoh to the high position. Before you proceed, head back to the entrance of this room and use the advantage to glide to a chest. By the crystal switch, you’ll see a receptacle — the kind you put Remote Bombs in. Make sure the crystal switch is still activated. You’ll need to use two bombs here. The first is to detonate the rock that’s blocking the path. Time your detonation carefully. The second will then roll down and be blown across the room. When it stops moving, detonate it to reveal a metal sphere.

Tilt Vah Medoh to the low position to bring the sphere close enough to you, and head over to the left side of the room. Using Magnesis, move the sphere back over to the side with the crystal switch, and line it up with the Remote Bomb channel. Now, drop your control and tilt Vah Medoh back to its high position again. The sphere will roll and hit a pressure switch, unlocking a gate and your path to the second terminal.

The third terminal on this side is a bit trickier to get. Tilt Vah Medoh to the neutral position to leave this room and head back into the main room. Your next exit point will be the lower right door. Since it’s there, just shoot the Calamity Eye you can see across the way. It’ll come in handy later. Now, follow the path to the left around the front of Vah Medoh. On your way, shoot another Calamity Eye to open up a fan, and then a third to open the lower left entrance back into the main room.

Now, your goal is to head to the opening you can see across the way. There are two ways to accomplish this. Use the fan you just opened up to get some height to glide … or just tilt Vah Medoh to the high position and glide, no fan needed. Either way, you can glide over and activate your third terminal. Tilt Vah Medoh to the low position to get back across to the main room.

The Right Side of Vah Medoh

Tilt Vah Medoh to the neutral position and then head up to the middle level with the help of the fan. Now, you’ll want to tilt Vah Medoh low again so that you can use the fan and get height to glide over to the right middle opening.

Shoot the Calamity Eye on the ceiling to drop another chest down. Now, hit the crystal switch to activate some wind that’ll turn some fans on. With Vah Medoh still in the low position, use Magnesis on the right fan, the one that has a metallic cube above it. This will hold it in place while you tilt Vah Medoh to the high position. As that happens, a weight on the far side of the room will move down a track and slam into another pressure switch. It unlocks a gate to your fourth terminal. With Vah Medoh in the high position, run to the far end of the room and then glide back, using the wind to reach a chest above the pressure switch.

Now, to get to the last terminal, you’ll want Vah Medoh in the neutral position again. Drop down and go out the lower right opening. Remember that Calamity Eye we told you to shoot a while back? Yeah, that’s where you’re going. Stand in the little car and tilt Vah Medoh to the low position to ride across. You could also glide if riding just isn’t your speed. Anyway, there’s a path in the room there that leads you back up to the fifth and final terminal. Once it’s activated, a gate will unlock, meaning you can easily return to the main room.

Ride the fan in this room all the way up to the top to see the main terminal. Try and activate it and a boss will show up.

Windblight Ganon

Windblight Ganon has a laser gun, but it doesn’t make cool sound effects, sadly. Anyway, in this first phase, it’ll occasionally throw whirlwinds, but its main attack is shooting you. It will fly around and stop to shoot, and that’s when you jump up with the help of the convenient fans. Once you have enough height, draw your bow and take aim. Yours truly found bomb arrows very effective here. After enough shots to the eye, Windblight Ganon will fall, and that’s your cue to rush in and do some whacking with your melee weapons.

Be wary of your stamina because of how much you’ll use to slow down time for your shots, by the way — if it runs out, you’ll be slow and have trouble dodging.

In the second phase, Windblight Ganon will get some little buddies that also shoot at you. (Revali will warn you to “watch your blind spot.” This is what he means.) It’ll also add in a gust attack that it will shoot directly at you. Keep moving and fire when you can.

In the third phase, there will be the usual Guardian-style targeted laser attack, and though Revali suggests you can hide behind columns, you can also shoot bomb arrows into Windblight Ganon’s face to stop the attack. It will also throw in two whirlwinds at once for you to dodge, but as long as you keep moving and shooting, you’ll be fine.

Once Windblight Ganon goes down, you can take your Heart Container and activate the main terminal. As always, you won’t be able to return, so be sure that you’ve grabbed everything you need or want out of Vah Medoh. Revali will teach you Revali’s Gale, which lets you charge your jumps with X to basically create whirlwinds beneath you.

Next: Breath of the Wild: Vah Naboris guide

You’ll then return to Rito Village after some more cutscenes. Head back to the top to speak again to Kaneli, who will present you with the Great Eagle Bow. With your new weapon and power in hand, you can carry on in Breath of the Wild, knowing that one more Divine Beast is now on your side against Calamity Ganon.