Supernatural: Sam and Dean track down a hellhound in episode 15 (Recap)

On season 12, episode 15 of Supernatural, "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell," Sam and Dean track down a hellhound. Source: CW TV PR
On season 12, episode 15 of Supernatural, "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell," Sam and Dean track down a hellhound. Source: CW TV PR

Tonight on Supernatural, the Winchesters have their hands full with a hellhound on the loose, and Lucifer’s baby ready to burst free.

Sheridan County, Nebraska. A young couple is ready to “commune with nature.” Or, as it turns out, get engaged. Until a hellhound disrupts their campsite and slaughters the would-be fiancee.

Meanwhile, Dean is covered in monster guts at the bunker’s kitchen table. Sam is not amused. His fancy cellular algorithm finds them another case, but Castiel is already hard at work interviewing leads in another city. One of which is convinced he was attacked by an alien. Something we’ve encountered before on Supernatural. But this time, the man has proof — oh, wait. It’s video cam footage of Degan rescuing Kelly Kline from her angelic attackers, back in episode 13.

After checking out the couple’s wrecked campsite, Sam and Dean go to chat with girlfriend Gwen. And from the POV of a hellhound, we see the dogs are already on their trail. They follow the Winchesters into Gwen’s apartment and tell her that her ex-fiancee was mauled by a bear. She’s not convinced. Gwen kicks out the brothers, but the hellhound stays behind in her living room. It looks like Gwen is going to become a chew toy, but the boys burst in to save her.

Down in the hellhound’s dog cage (a.k.a. hell), Lucifer is still bound and chained. He and Crowley trade some loaded insults, but the King of Hell’s attention is soon overtaken by two of his lackeys. He has many, many Crossroad deals to oversee. Speaking of, there’s no reason a hellhound would chase after Gwen if she hadn’t already made a deal. But Sam and Dean can’t pinpoint what it could have been. So they call up Crowley, who’s still pissed over the Gavin incident. But it seems Ramsey the hellhound has gotten out of her cage.

According to Crowley, Ramsey is loyal only to Lucifer. Not good news, considering the devil’s current MO. And in even worse news, it’s either Ramsey gets put down or Gwen joins her fiancee. That might prove difficult. It seems Crowley’s lackeys let the dog out to see what he was hiding, and they’ve brought Lucifer the key to freedom. After he answers a few demands, of course.

But hold the dang phone, because the Winchesters have their hellhound-hunting glasses out and ready for action. Good thing, too, because the hound is clearly after Dean and Crowley as they go stomping through the woods. Simultaneously, Castiel’s bud is stomping all over his heart. The angel tells him that after a successful Kelly Kline capture, Cas would be welcome back into heaven. It’s a promising offer, one that would require Joshua‘s help.

Lucifer’s favorite hellhound is on the loose in “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell.” Source: CW TV PR
Lucifer’s favorite hellhound is on the loose in “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell.” Source: CW TV PR

Lucifer is about to need some help real soon, after hearing approximately 50,000 demands. Once he’s freed, he wastes no time in squashing the demons like little bugs.

While Dean and Crowley go a’huntin for Ramsey, Gwen has a mental breakdown in the Impala. Which draws the hellhound’s attention, because she jumps on top of the ’67 and breaks a few windows in the process. Things don’t look too good for Sam, but with the help of an expertly thrown suitcase (thanks, Gwen), the two are able to put a literal dent in Ramsey’s side. Not today, puppy.

Dean is totally annoyed about the absolute wreck that is the Impala, but at least Sam and Gwen are safe and sound. She evens gives Crowley a big hug, to his utter dismay. Our favorite demon returns to hell, where he gets a major shiner from Lucifer, whose golden wings are in full plumage. But it’s not that simple for the devil, since Crowley ingeniously warded his vessel. Lucifer is trapped in Mark Pelligrino’s body, which to be fair, isn’t that bad of a place to be.

Lest we forget about Castiel, he and his new angel BFF Victor have a “lead” on Kelly. They head over to the playground portal and prepare to step up into heaven. And Sam makes his own progress with Dean, by telling him that it’s the British Men of Letters, not a fancy algorithm, that’s feeding him cases.

Dean actually takes it pretty well. But he warns Sam that if things start to look sketchy, they’re bailing. No ifs, ands or buts.

Stray Observations

  • This opening is a hard throwback to “Wendigo,” IMO.
  • OMG that girlfriend wins “Fakest Reaction To My Boyfriend Getting Ripped Apart” EVER.
  • Nice little s/o to Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s Negan bat from The Walking Dead, there.
  • Mark Pelligrino’s neck must be sore after wearing that neck brace for alllll these episodes.
  • Who knew being the King of Hell requires so much paperwork?
  • I love “Not Moose.”
  • Sorry in advance for all the dog puns — sorry, not sorry.
  • It’s so cute how Crowley pretends to be evil still.
  • A hugely obvious metaphor about lying to make Sam feel bad? Super original, Supernatural. Not.

Next: Riverdale: Archie and the gang will go for season 2 on the CW

What did you think of tonight’s Supernatural episode? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and stayed tuned for our speculation post tomorrow!