With The Vampire Diaries series finale airing on Friday, it is time to take a look back at the series as a whole. How do all eight seasons stack up against each other?
The Vampire Diaries series finale is now right around the corner. As the show prepares to say goodbye, now is the perfect time to take a look back at some of the highs and lows of past seasons.
Specifically, this is a ranking of all eight seasons from worst to best. From the wonderfully daring early seasons to the not so great later offerings and everything in between. Read on to find out where the final season ranks as well.
8. Season 5
For most high school shows, the transition to the college years is often times rough. And The Vampire Diaries was no exception. But leaving Mystic Falls High School behind was just one of many problems with season 5.
What worked: One of the highlights of season 5 was watching the great Katherine Pierce struggle with suddenly being an ordinary human. The series’ 100th episode served as the perfect goodbye for this great character who rapidly aged after the cure was drained from her system. Sadly, the series couldn’t let Katherine go and she hopped into Elena’s body for a couple extra episodes before dying again.
What didn’t work: Pretty much everything else in this season had way too much going on at once. Elena and Caroline started college and discovered the evil Augustine project that had been experimenting on vampires for decades, including Damon and the new character Enzo.
Silas was also around and was the doppelganger of Stefan, completely changing the established mythology around doppelgangers. And the great love of Silas’ life, Amara was the original doppelganger of Elena, leading to a lot of worrying from Damon that Stefan and Elena are destined to be together.
Thanks to Matt’s European adventure with Rebekah, he met Katherine’s long-lost daughter Nadia. She led a group of witches known as travelers to Mystic Falls. They wanted to make Mystic Falls their home and kick all other supernatural beings out. And for some reason, the only way to make the spell work was by using doppelganger blood from Stefan and Elena.