Best match from every WWE WrestleMania event in history

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WrestleMania 2000

Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz

The year 2000 turned out to be one of the best years in WWE but WrestleMania 2000 really wasn’t even close to being the best event of the year at all. Of the nine matches on the card, only one of them was a one-on-one affair and that was The Kat vs. Terri Runnels and there’s absolutely no way that would make the top of any list outside of the worst WrestleMania matches in history. The main event with Mankind, Big Show, Triple H and The Rock was okay but I still think we should have gotten a one-on-one with Trips and Rock here. Having all the McMahons involved was fun enough but I don’t think the main event of WrestleMania needed that. And as much as I enjoyed the Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho match, I actually think it could have been a little better. So the choice here is the Triangle Ladder Match between three of the best tag teams in WWE history.

I think people sometimes forget about this match a little bit given some of the matches that these three teams would put on later but this was still very entertaining and served as the catalyst for those same matches. This match was a little slower than the TLC matches but that doesn’t mean these six guys didn’t steal the show that night in Anaheim. The biggest spot from this match, and the one that will likely always be remembered the most, was Jeff Hardy climbing to the top of the big ladder and hitting the Senton Bomb off of it onto Bubba Ray Dudley through a table. It’s still one of the most amazing spots in WrestleMania history but there were so many great ones during this match.

Jeff missing the 450 on Bubba early on and landing on the ladder was one. Christian hitting the cross body onto Bubba Ray and Matt on the floor was another. Edge hitting that spear from the top rope to Jeff was a sign of things to come, Bubba hitting what was essentially an RKO on Christian was nice and Edge and Christian taking that fall from the ladders all the way to the floor was pretty awesome as well. In the end, Edge snuck up behind Matt Hardy (hmmm…there’s a joke in there somewhere) and pushed him off the ladder onto the table below, allowing him and Christian to win the match and the tag titles. This was a revolutionary match in WWE that made these guys stars. And they’d follow it up a year later with something even better.