WrestleMania X-Seven
Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz
This was a tough call. WrestleMania X-Seven is arguably the best WrestleMania in history (outside of that ridiculous name anyway) and featured a lot of really good to great matches. Shane and Vince put on a better show than I think anyone could have expected, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit were two of the best wrestlers the world has ever seen and the main event between Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock was absolutely fantastic. But at the end of the day, just barely, I’ve got to go once again with Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz and their TLC match.
This one actually didn’t go as long as the match from the year before but that certainly doesn’t mean it wasn’t jammed with action and crazy spots. There was a lot of back and forth early with each team taking their turn getting some shots in before the real madness started and I loved the spot early when Bubba powerbomed Jeff Hardy right through Edge, who was already set up on a table. Great stuff there. However, there was much more to come as four tables, two on top of two, were stacked on the floor with all six guys in the ring. You just knew the brutality was coming but we had to wait a little bit for it.
Outside folks got involved this time around as Spike Dudley came around to hit a couple of nice Dudley Dogs on Edge and Christian, with Christian going through a table on the outside for his. Great spot. Rhyno was in next and he hit the Dudleys and Hardys with gores with Matt taking the worst of that sequence by going through a table in the corner for his. Edge then went to climb but Lita interjected and hit some dazzling moves and a chair shot on spike before walking into a great 3D. It was absolute chaos at this point, it was amazing and the crowd at the Astrodome was eating it up. The big Jeff Hardy spot was up next as he topped himself by hitting the Swanton Bomb off the big ladder onto two tables this time around onto Rhyno and Spike. Just amazing. But that wasn’t all for Jeff.
After a few minutes, Jeff was back in the ring climbing up the ladder to grab the titles but the ladder was pulled from underneath him by Bubba (great job at getting that ladder out of the way) and he was left dangling high above the ring and was drilled with a spear from Edge in midair. Absolutely unreal and I thought Jim Ross was going to have a heart attack. And just when you thought that might be it, it wasn’t. There were still those tables sitting outside the ring and Matt and Bubba crashed into them when Rhyno pushed them off of the big ladder in the middle of the ring all the way to the outside and those tables just exploded. Just….wow. Rhyno would put Christian on his shoulders and walk him up the ladder to give Dege and Christian another win in another unforgettable match.