4) MAC to rebrand itself fully as MACtion
The MAC has fully embraced itself as the midweek football hit that hardcore college football fans take. They use this MACtion as a chance to get their necessary fix before the highlight games take place on Saturday. Sometimes the games are good and sometimes they’re bad, but it’s always better than whatever else on TV. The conference understands this and has been scheduling more and more games into the weekday slot. So much so that the conference doesn’t play a single Saturday game all of November.
Not satisfied with their re-branding, the MAC takes it another step forward and renames the entire conference to MACtion. Mid American Conference Tight Impressive On Nights. Rolls right off the tongue. Every single conference game will be played Tuesday through Thursday and it will all be put under the MACtion flag with marketing efforts going toward that. Tired of the typical weekday slog? Watch some decent college football instead.
Eventually the people will catch on and realize that only a few of the games are actually worth the name MACtion, but nobody will care because they just love football that much. That and saying MACtion is super fun. Journalists everywhere, desperate to not have to work every day of the week, will furiously write columns on how this is a bad idea. Their cries will fall on deaf ears. Those ears only hear shouts for MACtion, whether the football is good, bad, or somewhere in between. It involves some school in Ohio vs some school in Indiana on a Tuesday at 9:30, and that’s perfectly okay. That is MACtion.