WWE WrestleMania 33 results: Triple H vs Seth Rollins full video highlights

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Credit: WWE.com

WWE WrestleMania 33 results and highlights for the unsanctioned match between Triple H and Seth Rollins on Sunday

Once upon a time, Seth Rollins was the chosen one of Triple H. Every opportunity and possible advantage was given to the former Architect of The Shield after Rollins turned on his brothers. However, times change and Triple H finds new muses to keep his interest—such is wrestling. He may have turned on the wrong man this time around. Despite knee injuries and being unable to get his hands on him for some time, Rollins got his opportunity at WWE WrestleMania 33.

Still injured, Rollins had to agree to an unsanctioned match and to sign a hold harmless agreement before Haitch would take the match. However, he would do whatever to get his hands on his former mentor.

No time was wasted going right at it. Both Rollins and Triple H threw flurries of big fists at one another. The Architect got the upper hand and sent the match to the outside. They traded blows there, but the man nursing the injured knee was doling out most of the punishment early on, throwing Trips over the barricade and then back to announce his presence. Back in the ring area, Rollins continued the onslaught, taking Triple H out with two suicide dives.

Just when it looked like a runaway victory, though, Trips went after the knee, which then opened up more offense. He hit a nasty DDT onto the announcer’s table and then just eviscerated the surgically repaired and still-not-100-percent knee.

Rollins still displayed tremendous fighting spirit, though, trying to fight back despite incredible pain. However, he went for his sunset flip powerbomb, but his knee buckled.

That wouldn’t stop him, though. Even when the knee buckled as he tried to hit the buckle bomb, he fought back and then through the pain to make it happen. He then wouldn’t stop, going up to the top rope multiple times and just trying to go through the pain and do whatever necessary to hurt his former mentor.

Again and again, though, it was back to the knee for Triple H to survive. Rollins got out a table, Trips went for the knee. Rollins hit a move, Hunter went for the knee. lt was a systematic and relentless attack on the injury, but The Kingslayer wouldn’t be denied. He almost seemingly had the match won after hitting a superplex rolled into a falcon arrow, but it wasn’t enough. Then Stephanie McMahon got involved as she knocked him off the top rope.

From there, the COO locked in a nasty knee bar and wouldn’t release it. In the ring and out, it was a brutal submission. But Rollins caught a break when he revealed a sledgehammer by accident. Hunter then released the hold and grabbed it. In doing so, though, he allowed Rollins to get some breathing room and thus ultimately even the odds.

In doing so, Rollins thought he might have a chance to get the sledgehammer and go after The Game. Instead, Steph stopped him and Rollins paid for it with a clothesline.

Triple H then hit a Pedigree and that looked like a done deal—but no. He kicked out at two and somehow still survived. An angry Triple H then became frustrated and acting out of anger. As a result, he was then able to come in and get his offense back working. That led to him hitting a Phoenix Splash—but the knee continued to bother him as he landed.

The climax of the match then came when Stephanie again got involved to try and stop Rollins. In doing so, Triple H came after him to try and take him out. Rollins ducked and The Game almost took out his wife, but stopped just short. When he turned around, though, Rollins was waiting and body-blocked him—right into Stephanie who went flying through the upright table.

Next: WWE WrestleMania 33 results: Live tracker

As such, Trips got infuriated, but Rollins was ready. When Haitch turned around he was met with a kick. That brought him down and allowed The Architect to hit The Pedigree for the win.