WWE WrestleMania 33 review: What we learned, takeaways, future projections

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Seth Rollins vs. Triple H

What we learned: We learned that Seth Rollins’ knee is just fine.

This match told a really great story. I think it went on about five minutes too long but it did exactly what it needed to do. This was a grudge match that had a great backstory to it and the match played into that quite well. This was a non-sanctioned match, which I still think is always funny seeing how they have an official WWE referee and all but that’s okay. They started brawling immediately, which is what they needed to do, and the action was pretty good right from the start. They fought on the floor and into the crowd for a minute — always a nice touch — before Triple H started focusing in on Rollins’ injured knee, which was heavily wrapped up, and Seth sold the injury very well.

But Rollins fought valiantly and got in some nice offense of his own, including a surprising Buckle Bomb, and brought a few chairs into the match while also setting up a table on the outside that would come into play later. Triple H used the chairs to his advantage for a while but did get one whipped at him which was pretty nice. Rollins hitting the superplex from the top right into the Falcon Arrow was fantastic and was later the one who pulled the sledgehammer from under the ring and Hunter’s reaction to it sitting there was priceless.

Rollins went to use it but Stephanie grabbed it from him and Seth took a nice Pedigree for a great nearfall shortly after. Rollins then hit a really nice Phoenix Splash for a two count before they traded Pedigree attempts. Stephanie then got up on the apron and Triple H nearly ran into her but stopped himself. Rollins then shoved Hunter right into his wife and she went crashing through the table. I’m always in awe that Stephanie is willing to do this for the sake of the match, much like she took that spear from Roman Reigns a year ago, and this caused Hunter to react and he turned right into a Pedigree from Rollins for the 1-2-3. Very good match.

What’s next: It will be interesting to see where they go from here. As far as storylines are concerned, Rollins isn’t supposed to be wrestling yet so how long will Stephanie wait to exact her own revenge? I don’t see a rematch coming from this so this is likely where we finally get Samoa Joe and Seth Rollins.